Fats: Are they your enemy? Top ways to reduce fat drastically

by Meghashree Das


Fats are good enough for your help

Dieticians won’t offer you fats, but they are okay

Healthy fats are the best thing for you

Types of Workout Plans you can try out 

Best Exercises you Need to Try Out for Weightloss

Top Home Remedies that you will Work

Fats are not your enemy. Don’t hate out on them because they are not giving you the need that you want. 

Weightloss and fats are equivalent to each other. You can try them out anytime that you want. 

Fats are good enough for your help

Fats are extremely good for your health because they contain all the essential nutrients from all around. They are perfect for you to kick start your day, as much as you can have them for yourself. You can eat them anytime you want, like going to the gym or coming home from a stressed-out work from the office.  

They will taste better than most of the other foods

Fat foods are generally buttery in taste, and they contain the richness of the sweetness and the saltiness in them as well. So if you have a good source of these amazing fats right in front of you then you can have them any time of the day to what you want.

And guess what? They deliver you the promise to what you want. There are stored fats that you can try out anytime that you want.

Dieticians won’t offer you fats, but they are okay

The one thing that you will hear from a lot of experts and dieticians out there is, fats are not good for your health. So having a handful of them every day is not the primary solution to most problems in your life.

But what you don’t know is, fats are extremely helpful for people to treat their heart conditions. 

If you have a weak heart and lower levels of blood pressure, then having them can be a stark improvement to your diet.

Healthy fats are the best thing for you

Researchers have even proved that having some of the fats included in your diet every day can help you to maintain the levels of sugar in your system.

The copper and the iron, which are present in some of the fatty foods, are perfect for you to regulate the better supply of oxygen to your blood. 

So if you are suffering from iron deficiency, then having these healthy fats are the primary solution to everything.

Nuts are good enough source for your fat

Try them out with a warm glass of milk. They can be extremely nutritional for you if you are substituting milk in your diet, as well.

You can have them with toasted pieces of bread, anytime that you want. During your breakfast, substitute these healthy fats or nuts into your regular breakfast routine whenever you can. 

Eating them with a piece of bread can be a nutritional choice for you, and basically, you are subsiding for the best.

Avocados are something else

Cut these avocadoes into pieces and then put them into oats if you want. They are extremely rich in fiber, so if you have cashews with them, then you are choosing the best diet option for yourself.

Bananas are another healthy source of fat

Make cookies with these pieces of bananas if you want. You can bake them and put these pieces of bananas into them. Once you cook them, they will turn out to be delicious. 

They will instantly melt in your mouth once you start eating them. Cookies are incredibly pleasant, and so by putting these pieces in them, you are adding to the nutritional quote as well. 

Types of Workout Plans you can try out 

If working out is your passion then you might have heard about the workout styles which we are about to speak here. 

Working out in various styles can help you with a ton of things. For example, if you want to have a fit body then you can choose weight training over the others.

For just having to deal with things small instances like weightloss or others then there are types that you can follow ardently.

Types of workout to follow at the gym and even at your home!

  1. Aerobic Exercise. 
  2. Weight training. 
  3. Flexibility exercise. 
  4. Balance exercise. 

Aerobic Exercise

Let us start with the aerobic exercise at first. What are they?

Well, they are nothing but your minimal exercise which you can do while you are at your home.

It is a type of exercise that goes into your cardiovascular conditioning. If you want to maintain a fit body then you can do this. It is mostly like the cardiovascular exercise that you do at your home and even at your gym. This exercise can be something like walking, bicycle and even having to train with the help of aerobic ropes at your place.


  1. It helps you to be strong. The main thing about them is that it builds your core. 
  1. With the use of this amazing weight loss exercise, you can lose weight as much as you want. It is perfect for you if you are trying too hard to lose weight in such a small time.
  1. It strengthens you as a whole. It is perfect for you to try out if you are pregnant as well. 

Weight Training

It is the basic type of training that you can do at the gym. It depends on how much you are inclined to tone down or shape the structure which you already have. A lot of results which gathered from people trying to lose weight loss have said that weight training has helped them to gain a special and firm lead.

These main exercises are needed to make you strong and your muscles grow. With the use of weight training, you can build more attractive and defined muscles and hustle better. It will help you to make stronger so that you can increase your grip strength at the same time too. 


  1. First of all, weight training can help you to lose all the weight that you have packed. If you are constantly worried about losing weight then don’t worry. One leg day and a whole of the bicep and tricep curl will help you to gain clarity and defined muscles.
  1. It helps you to be stronger. Do you want to determine the strength of your hands and your legs? Well, you can do so with the help of these amazing weight training exercises. It will be a perfect option for you to try out anytime that you wish.

Flexibility exercise

Coming to the third one on the chart, flexibility training is something that can work on your flexibility as a whole.

Do you want to make sure how much you can bend sideways and backward? If you do then you should do this type of training more and more. It measures your flexibility standards and makes sure how good you can move your muscles. It helps you to build your core as well and determines your actual strength.


  1. This amazing training helps you to become more flexible. Do you want to know how smooth can you bend sideways and backward? If you do then you should do this amazing training to find out better. It will help you to define your muscle strength. 
  1. It helps you to build your core too. With the use of flexibility exercises, you can target the core muscle and then put pressure into it so that you can form regular abs. Want to make sure how good you can get with Asanas and yoga postures? You can start training and then known for an instance. 

Balance training

Last but not the least, balance training is the perfect type of exercise which you can do to check and see how much balance you have got. Balance training helps you to understand how much of disrupting your body can handle so that you can balance yourself.

Balance training is really important because it helps you to fix your issues. Suppose you have a weak knee and you always wobble when you walk. With the help of balance training, you can target your knees and then start walking with a good posture in just a few days of practice.


  1. It helps you to improve your balance. If you are always wobbly then you need to do this type of training and it can help you to stay still and improve your posture to make it better and stronger. 
  1. Balance training is perfect if you are trying to work on every targeted muscle in your body. Our body is subdivided into various regions and every region in our system needs the correct balance and formation of the basic structure. 

Best Exercises you Need to Try Out for Weightloss

Why exercises are the primary key for weight loss? 

There are a ton of workouts that you can try out if you want to lose some weight. It is the perfect thing which you can do to make sure that you lose as much weight as you want and help yourself with a fascinating workout routine which can be pretty simple for you to do.

These amazing workout styles will help you to manage something good and even target your connective tissues. 

But don’t forget the main thing. 

Once you are using these amazing workout charts and targeting the right muscle, it will be good enough for you to choose out the right one to lose all the weight which you have packed. 

Try your chart for weight loss targeting the right muscles

Focussing right on your cardio, endurance and some of the weight training

Cardio and endurance:

Start your day with some basic cardio and endurance. 

  • Jumping jacks and jumping squats – 4 sets of 15 reps. 
  • Running on the treadmill – 30 mins for 4 sets each. 
  • One spot jogging- 4 sets of 30 mins each. 

How to do?

  • Jumping jacks are done with the help of putting your hands and feet simultaneously synchronized while you jump and make a star sign.
  • For jumping squats, you can squat and then jump high and then squat again. 


  • This amazing exercise can help you to charge straight to your muscles. You will lose all the bulging weight that you have.
  • It helps you to build your key endurance as well. Want to make sure what helps you to work out on your core? Well then try out the endurance training programs as much as you can. 
  • And one of the last things, it helps you to be stronger and much better so that you don’t lose out when you are about to hit the last set.

Trying out with some weights

You can start your next day with some good weight training management. 

Weight training

  • Chest: Barbell bench press: 4 sets of 10 reps. 
  • Weight lunges- 4 sets of 15 reps. 
  • Back squats- 4 sets of 15 reps each. 

How to do?

  • For the barbell bench press, you can lie down and then put two dumbbells on your side and then press it vertically to your face. 
  • For weight lunges, take a barbell or two dumbbells. Hold them to your side and just walk in a lunge form. 
  • For back squats, it is just simple squats with a huge barbell on your back.


  • This type of weight training targets all the fat muscles and can make you lose weight in just a few days.
  • And for the best, if you are trying to slim down then squats are the best thing to make sure of that. 

Try your last chart with some balance and aerobic training

Make sure that you lose out on all the optimum weight in your system with the help of this amazing training. 

Balance and Aerobic Training

  • Stepper jumps- 30 mins for 4 sets each. 
  • Aeroplane- 30 mins for 4 sets each. 
  • Stepper jump and hop- 30 mins for 4 sets each. 

How to do it?

  • For stepper jump, you need to buy a stepper. Once you have bought it, you can just step on it and then jump to raise another leg. It is pretty amazing.
  • For an airplane, stand like an aeroplane and then make sure that you balance your muscles with your core. It helps you to lose around a ton of calories.
  • For the stepper hop and jump, you can just make sure that you hop and then jump on either side of the stepper. 


This amazing exercise, as told, helps you to build onto your core as much. 

Calories burnt for every set:

For the first set, you will be burning around 150+50+100 =300 calories. (Depending on the number of sets)

For the second set, you will be losing the same calories which are marked around 300 calories to 400 calories.

For the third set, you can lose around 500-600 calories as a whole. 

But it completely depends on the type of sets which you are doing. So if you are doing more then you are bound to lose weight in a jiffy. If you are doing less then you need to put the chart in every day of the week or more.

Top Home Remedies that you will Work

Are you troubled with having to gain weight but not finding it good enough for you to know what can help you? Having a hard time dealing with it? Don’t worry, for you are not the only one experiencing this painful yet embarrassing condition.

Gaining weight is one of the most common occurrences during a lot of instances and is, therefore, a frequent concern.

The best home remedies for making sure that you lose out on your weight:

Increasing intake of water

Water is one of the magical fluids that help improve the workout for your muscles.

When chewed food particles mix up with water, they become finer, and, at the same time, retain their healthful properties. And water has plenty of other benefits as well. Like it helps to regulate body temperatures as well. So why not follow this simple yet effective home remedy? 

And if you can induce a proper digestive tract then you can always make sure that you have a nice workout route. It will help you to have a healthy lifestyle after all. 

Eating a balanced diet

Concentrating on only one category of food during having to maintain your weight is a bad idea. If you had been doing it for a while, then probably you are facing the outcomes already. 

Eating a balanced diet is of supreme importance for pregnant ladies in particular. Fried foods and oil-rich foods should be eliminated out of your diet completely.

Move your body

Exercises can speed up the process of better weightloss, thus reducing the time food stays in your intestine. This is extremely beneficial for teenagers and middle-aged people.

This is so because if the transit time is reduced, then consequently gas production will also lower in the same proportion. Even a few minutes of light walking or mild jogging can relieve this problem.

Increase fiber intake

Although it is a well-known fact that fiber foods help in losing your weight better.

Fiber achieves this by drawing in water and softening the stool. This will help you to ease up and have better management to pass the gas.

If an individual is switching to a high-fiber diet, the following strategies can help prevent a temporary increase in weight:

  • All the time, it is time for you to raise the intake of the fiber in your diet.
  • Eating only a small portion and added to your food to permit sufficient time for digestion.