Your eyes are not just a window to your emotions, but also a window into your health. Vision difficulties, diabetes, stress, and even retinal detachment can all be indicated by changes in your eyes. Furthermore, if you know what to look for, you can see many health issues for yourself. Even without technology, a simple examination of the eyes can reveal a variety of health issues. Here are a few indicators from which you can detect health issues.
Change in size of pupils:
The pupil shrinks in bright settings and expands in dim ones in response to light.. Sluggish or delayed pupil size responses can indicate a variety of disorders, including serious ailments like Alzheimer’s disease, as well as prescription side effects and evidence of drug use. Stimulant drug users, such as cocaine and amphetamine, frequently have dilated pupils. Heroin users have extremely tiny pupils.
Eyes that are red or yellow:
The sclera changing colour indicates that something is wrong. Excessive alcohol or drug misuse might result in a red, bloodshot eye. It could also be the result of a minor irritation or illness that will pass in a few days. A prolonged change in colour could indicate a more serious infection, inflammation, or a reaction to contact lenses or their solutions. A red eye could indicate glaucoma, a potentially blinding condition.
Jaundice and a damaged liver are clearly indicated by the sclera turning yellow. There are numerous causes of jaundice. Hepatitis, genetic or autoimmune diseases, as well as specific drugs, viruses, or tumours, are among them.
Red spot:
A blood-red spot on the white of the eye is invariably the consequence of a small, localised blood vessel break. There is usually no recognised reason, and it goes away within days. It can, however, be a sign of high blood pressure, diabetes, or blood-clotting issues, all of which produce excessive bleeding. Aspirin and other blood-thinning medications may be to fault, and if the problem occurs frequently, the dosage may need to be modified.
Ring around the ccornea:

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A white or grey ring around the cornea is usually linked to high cholesterol and an increased risk of heart disease. It can also suggest alcoholism and is sometimes seen in older people’s eyes, which is why it’s given the medical name arcus senilis.
Lump of fat:
The most frightening abnormalities that can arise on the eyes are often the most benign and simple to treat. A pinguecula is a tiny deposit of fat and protein that can form on the white of the eye and can be readily treated with eye drops or removed with a simple operation.
A pterygium that appears as a pinkish growth on the white of the eye does not pose a threat to vision until it spreads to the cornea (the coloured part of the eye). It grows slowly, which is fortunate. It, like pinguecula, can be readily removed. In fact, it should be removed before it reaches the cornea.
Bulging eyes:
Bulging eyes are a typical facial feature, but when eyes that were not previously bulging suddenly begin to thrust forward, the most likely cause is a thyroid gland problem that requires medical care. A single eye might protrude due to an accident, infection, or, more rarely, a tumour behind the eye.