Complacency costs too much, especially in the case of health. We often ignore to bother about the mental health of our children. Some of the precursors of grave mental disorders are ignored in the name of childish behavior. One such disorder is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is a mental disorder that most commonly affects children. In this, the development of the brain does not happen properly.
Children suffering from this disorder lose their focus while doing any task and get lost in their own world. Having very little awareness of ADHD, the parents of such children do not understand these symptoms. This problem is ignored at its initial stage by considering the child as naughty or weak. This disorder, however, can be treated if diagnosed at a right time. Let’s understand its symptoms and treatment.
Causes of ADHD:
Lack of brain development during pregnancy is the main cause of ADHD. This can happen due to a variety of reasons such as.
- Brain injury of the foetus.
- Low birth weight or premature birth.
- Baby having epileptic seizures
- ADHD running in the family genetics.
- Tobacco or alcohol use during pregnancy.
Symptoms of ADHD:

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- Lack of attention and distraction while performing any task.
- Getting lost in own thoughts.
- Weak memory and forgetfulness.
- Hyper loquaciousness or being reticent.
- Carelessness while doing any work.
- Whispering or talking to self.
- Trouble in talking or meeting other people.
- Having no sense of danger.
- Excessive physical activity.
What to do?
It is important for ADHD patients to amend their lifestyles. Although there is no permanent cure for this disorder, it can be overcome by making lifestyle changes. Some of the non-clinical measures to cure ADHD in children are.
- Keep the child away from mobile phone addiction.
- Lack of sleep can have a bad effect on their brain. So, take care of the child’s sleep and ensure a good sleep.
- Encourage the child to play outdoor games. Besides, combine mental games with physical games. This will exercise their mind.
- Give your child nutritious food. Overcome the deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, iron, vitamin D.
- Keep children away from caffeine i.e. tea and coffee.
- Don’t get annoyed with the child for his mistakes. Try to explain things with a calm mind.
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