Yoga For Lower Back Pain

by Madhushree Ghosh
Lower Back Pain

Having lower back pain is one of the worst nightmares for anyone of us. It not only gives us difficulties in the everyday task; but also, hampers our regular life badly. You can’t get enough peace of mind with continuous back pain, even while just resting in your bed also.

A lower back pain provides intricacy for everything we do in our daily life, like walking, seating, lifting things, bending, climbing stairs, even standing and lying on the bed. Pain relief sprays, creams, tablets, or any other medications could give you temporary relief, but couldn’t cure entirely. Yoga is a process in this regard, which work as a boon in this crisis. It has been observed that the regular practice of yoga not only treats lower back pain effectively but also prevent it from coming back again on your back. Let’s learn about the most effective yoga asanas in this attempt-

 Lower Back Pain

Cat-Cow Pose:

In this pose, you need to get down in the form of a cow or cat, making your knees and palms four legs of those animals. This time practice a particular order of looking up with the fast inhaling and drop down your stomach towards the mat with exhaling.

Child’s Pose:

In this pose, you need to sit on your heels and jointed knees. Keep your hands joint and extended in front of you and bend forward to keep your head middle of your floor-placed hands by letting the forehead tough the mat gently.

Reclined Pigeon Pose:

In this pose, you need to lie on your back, stretch your legs from hips, and joint the feet perfectly. Keep your hands relaxed and spinal cord straight during this pose, to give enough stretch to your hamstring and quads in curing lower back pain.

Sphinx Pose:

In this posture, you need to lie on your abdomen and keep the legs extended behind you. Now lift your torso along with your head on the strength of your palms and lower abdomen. Hold the pose for a while and get back to the previous position again.

Bridge Pose:

In this immensely effective pose, you need to lie on your back and keep your knees bent on the floor. Put both of your hands beside your body by placing the palms to the floor, and make sure they are placed under your hips. Now, lift your tailbone from the floor with the support of your hands and make the thighs parallel to the floor. Hold this tough position for 1 minute and get back to the normal again.