- Introduction
- Benefits of Surya Namaskar
- Yoga during menstruation
- Surya Namaskar during periods or menstruation
- Tips to perform Surya Namaskar successfully
Everyone wants a fit body as health is like an ornament. If you are healthy, you will be able to lead a good life. To study properly, work hard, participate in competition and go on excursions, you would have to have a healthy body and mind. Yoagasanas are something that you can practice for good health & long life. Surya Namaskar is one of the Yoagasanas that’s beneficial for people of all age groups. Surya Namaskar (also known as Sun Salutation) and it is a sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses. It is a great cardiovascular workout and provides a positive impact on the human mind and body.
The best time to do Surya Namaskar is early morning. Make sure you do it on an empty stomach and you face morning sun in the east. Each round of Surya Namaskar has two sets, comprising of 12 yoga poses. There are various versions of Surya Namaskar. However. you should stick to one particular version and practice it every day for the best results. Surya Namaskar also helps you to calm your mind and bring in positivity in your life. Practicing Surya Namaskar during menstruation is a controversial issue. We discuss about this in details.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar
- Helps to maintain the cardiovascular health. While performing the exercise your heart pumps blood and it helps to keep up the good health of the heart.
- Stimulates the nervous system effectively. It even reduces the feeling of anxiety and restlessness.
- Helps in toning the muscles, flexing and stretching. It is beneficial for the ligaments, joints and the skeletal system as it improves the posture and balance.
- Superb exercise for weight loss. It helps to lose the extra calories from the body so that you can get back to shape.
- Builds up the immune system so that you are able to fight against the unnecessary diseases.
- Surya Namaskar regulates irregular menstrual cycles and helps in easy childbirth.
- Enhances all the cognitive functions.
- Improves digestion. It increases the blood flow to your digestive tract and relaxes our digestive system.
- It is the best exercise to cope up with insomnia and related disorders. It helps to calm our mind so that you get a sound sleep.
- Develops concentration power. It gives strength and vitality.
- Good for overall health as it relaxes the minds and strengthens the body. It even improves flexibility in the limbs and spine.
Yoga during Menstruation
There are various myths about doing or not doing yoga during the time of menstruation. Every woman is different in terms of menstruation. Some has to undergo few side effects like low energy levels and cramps. Others might face fatigue, bloating and mood swings. That is the reason most of the women prefer to stick to the bed for the first few days.
The cycle of menstruation is quite delicate. The cycle may change if you are stressed, travel or change the diet. Thus, women should be aware of their cycle and listen to their bodies carefully as the state of the menstrual cycle makes an impact on the mental and physical health of a woman. The time of menstruation is sensitive. It has been observed that the problems that you have during the month, they become even more real and affects you strongly. Every woman looks at menstruation differently.
Yoga is a relaxation technique that can be practiced by every woman. It can be beneficial during menstruation, as they would help in clearing the negatives that may arise at that time. Through yoga, you will be able to treat your body with respect and care.
Surya Namaskar during Periods or Menstruation
As discussed above every women body is different and it reacts differently to various things. As per logic, Surya Namaskar can be helpful during the menstruation period. It regulates the menstrual cycle efficiently. It even relieves you from the menstrual cramps.

When you are in regular practice of Surya Namaskar, you can regain your energy level during the time of menstruation. You will be able to cope with the everyday chores of life. If while doing Surya Namaskar during your periods, you feel too much discomfort and pain, you should take rest and discontinue doing it. Do not force yourself for any kind of yoga poses.
If you do not face any issues, you can go ahead with the repetitions of Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar helps to restore the hormonal balance in a woman’s body and it works directly on thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands. Therefore, it is able to offer you pain-free periods. Regular sessions of Surya Namaskar will also allow you to achieve the required levels of Vitamin D.
Tips to perform Surya Namaskar successfully
Here are some of the tips that can help you to perform Surya Namaskar on a regular basis.
- To practice Surya Namaskar, you should choose a particular place at home. The place should be a well ventilated and there should be sufficient space perform the moves.
- Take out time for Surya Namaskar from your hectic schedule. Fix a stipulated time to able to do it every day. Sunrise and sunset are the best times for Surya Namaskar. You can select your time as per your convenience.
- During the first phase of practice, you can breathe normally. However, with time, you should learn the correct breathing mechanism.
- If you have never done the Surya Namaskar earlier, you should begin with 2 rounds on every alternate day. You can increase the rounds with time.
- 5 sets of Surya Namaskar is a good number to achieve. You should maintain regularity when it comes to doing Surya Namaskar.
- When you feel too tires or hot, you can sequence with the right leg leading and only perform the sequence with the left leg.
- During the periods, every woman should listen to their body carefully and should do what they feel right. If you do not feel fine, you can do fewer sets.
Apart from good health, Surya Namaskar provides an opportunity to express heartfelt gratitude to the sun for supporting life on this planet. Sun is a powerful source of light and energy. You should always be thankful for its existence. To start with, you can do 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar for 10 days. It should be followed by other yoga poses as per your choice and then the relax pose of Yoga Nidra. You will be fascinated by the outcome. This is a simple tip that will keep you fit, peaceful and happy throughout the day.