How do pregnancy mood swings affect relationship?

by Puja
Pregnancy Mood Swings
  • Introduction
  • Emotions during pregnancy
  • Relationship with your partner
  • Relationships with family and friends
  • How to protect your relationship from pregnancy mood swings?
  • Conclusion

Mood swings during pregnancy is absolutely normal as the pregnant woman’s emotional state can be affected for several reasons. Pregnancy marks the beginning of a new phase in every woman’s life and people talk only about the obvious problems that include nausea, fatigue, carving and body shape changes. However, there are situations like reworking on finances and thing about a better future with new working arrangements can be difficult to handle. Then there’s the additional burden of ensuring that your mood swings don’t hamper your relationship, with everyone around you.

The physical, social and financial changes around the pregnant woman are the causes of emotional depression and mood swings. Moods wings can adversely affect a woman’s love life with her partner. However, no one should not be panicked with the mood swings. They can be managed with the effort of the couple. When physical and health of a woman brings in complications, talking about them with the partner would be the first step towards breaking the ice.

When you are expecting your baby, you should take care of yourself and find out the reasons that are making things difficult in your everyday life. If you are feeling too much worried, anxious and sad, you should seek help from your partner and people around you. Without proper help, the mood swings will affect your life and your pregnancy period would turn into a sour experience.

Emotions during pregnancy

Pregnancy is both exciting and challenging. All the expectant mommies and daddies do experience ups and downs in the journey of pregnancy. Sometimes, the depression and anxiety can affect the everyday life of the couple in the pregnancy phase. All of these problems should be addressed and handled with mutual understanding. Do not let these challenges come in-between your relationship. Some of the emotions that you may undergo are as follows:

Frustrated Woman
  • You might get panic attacks, which may result in shortness of breath, palpitations and racing heart.
  • Constantly worry about the well-being and health of the baby.
  • Compulsive or obsessive behaviours are quite common.
  • Feeling low or sad and crying for no specific reason.
  • Being panicky or nervous.
  • Sudden mood swings.

Relationship with your partner

Pregnancy will bring huge changes to your relationship with your partner. It happens especially when you are pregnant with your first baby. Some people are able to cope up with the changes without any hassle, while some might find it difficult. During pregnancy, it is common to get into arguments frequently; however, you should understand each other and highlight the good reason to come closer. Pregnancy brings the couple together because of the baby. Therefore, just enjoy the time and be more loving towards each other. Here are some of the communication tips that would help to nurture your relations during the phase of pregnancy.

Wife and Partner
  • Talk with your partner and let him know about your real feelings. You should talk in a way that would explain your views to him transparently. Do not always blame your partner for any small mistake. They might not know what you are going through internally.
  • It would be a good idea to talk about your dream and hopes for your family and the newborn baby. Discuss about the traditions and rituals, as they are important aspect of life.
  • Talk about the parenting style that you want to adopt. If that style does not match with your partner’s view, then you should solve the problems together through compromise and negotiations.
  • Always be honest and open about our sexual needs.
  • Go to the antenatal classes together. When you attend the birth classes together, you and our partner would know about childbirth, baby care and breastfeeding.
  • You should even talk about the practical things of life like managing money and making time for yourself and your partner. You should plan your tasks after the baby is born so that you both get time to relax.

Relationships with family and friends

Pregnancy is special for you and your partner; however, there are other people in the family who are equally happy and interested in your pregnancy. Some of your good friends also feel happy for you and want to stay by you throughout the difficult times. Your friends and family can render help in various ways and offer you support. They do all they can afford just to make you happy and keep you healthy in the pregnancy phase.

Their overwhelming support might delight you, but there will be times when you might feel that they are taking over. When you are pregnant, you receive a lot of advice, which sometimes seems to be irritating. No one requires too much advice all time.

When you feel irritated with the advises and care of your friends and family, you should not just react negatively. Mood swings can influence you to take rude actions, but you should control yourself. Understand that they are doing everything for your good. Just decide what is right for you and when you do not want the unwanted advice, explain it to them gently and tell them that some decisions are only for you and our partner.

How to protect your relationship from pregnancy mood swings?

Here are few tips that you can follow to protect your relationship from the pangs of your mood swings:

Adopt a healthy lifestyle – When you eat right, sleep well and exercise regularly, it will do wonders to your body. A healthy diet will help you to get proper sleep and relax efficiently. Parental yoga is one of the relaxation techniques.

Switch your schedule – DO not always do things that you do as per the daily schedule. You should try to do things differently. When you change the pattern of your schedule and do things that make you happy, it will eliminate the stress of your life.

Address your mood swings – During pregnancy, you would be attacked with several moods. You should address them and let it go. If you want to cry or scream, just go ahead and do it. Do not suppress your emotions. Simply acknowledge them and give them wings.

Ask for help – During pregnancy, you would need support from your partners, Just let them know that you need their help whenever you need it. Your partner would make all the efforts required to keep you in good mood.

Coping up with mood swings can be tough. The emotional state of every woman differs at the time of pregnancy. Self-identification would be the first initiative to ensure love and pregnancy share a friendly bond with each other. For some, the mood swings can be short termed but many women experience extreme mood swings throughout their pregnancy. Understanding the reasons of those mood swings and eradicating them from the roots would be the best way to deal with them.


It would require time and the couple should keep patience. Both the couple should understand that mood swings are normal and temporary. Their focus should only be on the well-being of the baby. If mood swings disturbs your relationship, talk about it openly with each other. Make sure both the people in a relationship are on the same page so that it is easy to understand and deal with mood swings in a healthy way.

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