- The need for perfect diet after kidney transplant
- How much protein can we take after kidney transplant
- What drinks are safe to take after kidney transplant
- What are the best foods to eat after kidney transplant
- What foods to avoid after kidney transplant
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Kidney transplant is one of the major surgeries of all time, and we need to take extra care of our health this time we have a speedy recovery. One patient should follow a certain regulation during this period to avoid certain harmful consequences on their surgery as well as their overall health.
Health experts focus on the diet chart more this time than any other section. So, here we come up with a clear chart of foods, on what should you eat and what not during the period after having a kidney transplant. Check this instruction apparently in our discussion below-
The Need of Perfect Diet after Kidney Transplant:
If you ever wonder what the causes of a strict diet are after having a kidney transplant surgery, you must know the bad consequences of unhealthy food habits first on this issue. The most common results of following unhealthy habits after having kidney surgery are-
- Unwanted weight gain
- Possibilities of having triglycerides
- Possibilities of having cholesterol by increased blood fat levels
- An increased blood sugar level
- Unwanted breakdown in muscle and bone tissues
- And delayed recovery session
So, getting surgery from a good medical institute isn’t enough, if you don’t take the after-surgery precaution appropriately. Following a good food habit is the base of this provision from every aspect.
How much Protein can We Take after Kidney Transplant?
Taking a certain amount of protein and stick to that limit is highly important during this recovery period after surgery. Protein-rich foods take a larger period to consume and provide extra pressure to our kidneys to digest. Hence, there are many possibilities for kidney failure after getting surgery on it with a high-protein diet plan.
With a restricted or limited protein diet plan, you can get a stabilized glomerular filtration in your kidney. To finalize how much protein you should take after having kidney surgery, you must talk to your doctor or a dietitian immediately. However, initially, one person can consume 0.11 grams to 0.73 grams of protein per kg of their body to get a healthy recovery after kidney surgery.
What are the Best Drinks to Take after Kidney Transplant?
Only water is the safest drink to have after surgery in your kidney. Kidney works as a strainer in our body, so, when we have a kidney transplant, the main strainer in our body remains occupied and couldn’t filter the unwanted parts from a drink properly.
Hence, after kidney surgery, we must focus on the list of beverages that we can drink on a regular basis. Some people like to drink a cup of tea or coffee during this time, but according to the health experts, milk and creamers use in tea and coffee can act harmful in this condition. The potassium and phosphorus can be hiked with these fatty contents along with the added sugar part of coffee and tea.
Hence, try to drink black tea, coffee or drinks which came with a no-added-sugar quality can be tolerable this time. Fruit juices with low-sugar content and low in citric acid content can be consumable at this recovery period of kidney transplants.
What are the Best Foods to Eat after Kidney Transplant?
If you live a problem-free vigorous recovery period after kidney transplant, you must make a proper list of what you should eat and whatnot. the best this to include in your regular diet this time are-
- High-fiber foods, like vegetables, some fruits, nuts, beans, legumes, etc.
- Foods with moderate protein content like poultry items, beans, peas, peanut butter, etc.
- Foods with plant protein content like split peas, tofu, dried beans, soy products, etc.
- Lean meats like chicken, turkey, ground beef, pork, seafood, egg whites, etc.
- A dairy item with low-fat content and skim milk, unsweetened yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
- Drinks with sugar-free and fat-free qualities like water, unsweetened tea, coffee, vegetable juices, etc.
- Foods with rich in potassium content like oranges, bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, homemade spaghetti sauce, etc.
- Healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, prune juice, nectarines, banana, dried fruits, etc.
- And heart-healthy foods like leafy green vegetables, whole grain products, berries, fish oil, walnut, dark chocolate, seeds, almonds, etc.
What Foods to Avoid after Kidney Transplant?
A perfect diet is highly essential for a great recovery period after a kidney transplant surgery and avoiding some harmful food is more important for this period than including the beneficial item. Any kind of bad or harmful food can worsen your kidney functioning and ruin the quick healing process entirely. Some must-avoidable foods after having kidney transplant are as follows-
- Raw or uncooked or baked animal protein items like prawns, crab, shrimps, sushi, clams, oysters, meats, fish, etc.
- Unpasteurized dairy products like raw milk, soft cheese, uncooked dairies, etc.
- Some unhelpful fruit juices like grapefruit juice, pomegranate juice, mango juice, etc.
- High sodium foods like commercial soups, readymade vegetable juice, market-based fries, pickle relish, soy sauce, onion salt, salad dressings, salted nuts, and seeds, etc.
- Unhealthy beverages like buttermilk, tomato juice, vegetable juice, creamy coffee, milky tea, etc.
- Foods with preservatives like barbecue sauces, chili sauce, tomato sauce, Worcestershire, catsup, mustard sauce, etc.
- Foods with added sugar like sugar pies, soft drinks, ice cream, cake, pastries, syrup, jam, jellies, condensed milk, Jello, fruited yogurt, puddings, etc.
- Processed meats like ham, bacon, sausage, frankfurters, cold cuts, corned beef, canned fish, and frozen meats, etc.
- Canned foods like canned soup, bouillon cubes, canned broth, instant noodles, canned meats, canned fish, etc.
- And foods with trans fats or unhealthy fats like creamy tea, coffee, sherbet, butter, margarine, shortening, fatty cuts of pork and beef, chocolate, tropical oils, sour cream, etc.
Tips to Recover Fast After Kidney Transplant:
After following a perfect diet plan and avoiding some certain unhealthy foods, you can meet your goal of fast recovery from the surgery of kidney transplant as you expect. But this experience could be even better or faster more if you follow a few smart rules during the period of recovery. These rules are-
- Keep your system hydrated all day long and try to drink at least two litres of water per day
- Count your calories and make sure you won’t surpass the limit of daily calories that have decided by your doctor after the surgery
- Focus on your protein intake and make a well-balanced diet plan with the moderate number of protein content as protein in the best nutrient for muscle buildup and weight-losing process
- Try to avoid any type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during the period of recovery as they can cause kidney dysfunction sometimes
- Don’t eat medicines like antihistamines and antacids or any other OTC drugs during the period after kidney transplant
- Avoid high-acidic fruit and fruit juice like grapefruit and grapefruit juice which can suppress your immune system which is important during this recovery process
- Don’t take vitamin supplements and herbal supplements this time as sometimes these types of supplements hamper the transplant medication effectively
- Eat smaller meals to make your calorie intake portions lesser smartly, as it will help you to reduce weight prevent from any unwanted weight-gain this time
- Choose smart cooking methods to avoid oil in your cooked-dishes as much as you can, and applying grilling, baking, broil, steaming, etc. are some best choices here
- And always buy foods after reading the labels carefully, and type of foods that can spike your cholesterol or blood sugar level can act harmful in kidney transplanting surgery.
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