Behind utmost nutrition and food myths, there is a kernel of truth. The question is how much do those kernels contribute to the big picture? In reality, the most persistent nutrition myths are those that are likely to appear in headlines for a whole week. Perhaps this is because they challenge our intuitive understanding of how we eat.
The nutrition and food myths that we are listing below are catchy. This article will help you make healthy food choices with confidence!
1. Carbohydrates make you fat:
Your body needs carbohydrates for energy. The problem is not carbs but the type of carbs you eat. To maximize weight loss, choose whole foods that provide nutrition.
To lose weight, it’s best to avoid starchy carbs such as bread, pasta and potatoes. Instead, opt for nutrient-rich vegetables such as broccoli and swiss chard.
2. Eggs are bad for your heart:
Eggs are high in cholesterol. Many people think that this cholesterol will clog their arteries. It’s true that it can, but only if your cholesterol is already out of control.
Most people don’t have to worry about this going forward because their bodies are very good at regulating blood cholesterol levels.
3. Your body can’t use the protein from beans unless you eat them with rice:
This myth is probably based on the idea that beans are slow releasing protein, and rice is a fast-releasing carbohydrate. It’s true that eating beans with carbs has value in terms of managing hunger. But it’s not true that you’ll get less protein if you’re not eating them with rice.
The truth is that it’s more important to eat the right kinds of food every day than to worry about meal timing or combining different foods based on type of food or quality of protein.
It also doesn’t matter so much whether proteins are derived from plant or animal sources. So long as your food choices are compatible with your health and nutritional needs, you can rest assured that your body will use the nutrients they provide.
4. Calories eaten at night are more fattening than those eaten early in the day:
This is another myth that challenges our intuitive understanding of how we eat. But is it true? No.
Calories consumed at night don’t make you fat or unhealthy, and they don’t count as calories missing at breakfast or lunch the next day.
For those concerned about these “missing” calories, eating a balanced diet that includes the minimum calories required for staying healthy is the best way to make sure you get all of the necessary nutrients. And by following a healthy eating plan, you will lose weight while eating carbs for energy!
Also read: Dieting Myths and Reality of Weight Loss
5. Microwaving zaps nutrients:
Microwave cooking does not reduce the nutritional value of food to a significant degree. The nutrient losses are minimal or negligible. Foods you microwave can actually be healthier than the same foods cooked on the stovetop or in the oven!
6. Dairy products are fattening:
Dairy products are nutritious, but some people have trouble digesting dairy protein, lactose. If this is your case, you might want to consider that there is no evidence of dairy products causing weight gain. It may also depend on which type of dairy product you choose from: cheese vs cream vs milk and yogurt.
7. It’s important to fast periodically, to cleanse toxins from your body:
There is no evidence that eating a low calorie, high fat diet can cleanse the human body of toxins. So long as you drink plenty of fluids (water or juice), your body will not be deprived of its essential nutrients.
In some cases, fasting can make you more vulnerable to toxins. This is because your body’s detoxifying organs such as the liver and kidneys can be depleted of nutrients if you are not eating.
8. There is a specific way to eat food that helps you lose weight:
Aside from making sure to get enough calories for exercise and activities, the most important thing to do is choose foods that help you maintain a healthy weight.
Eating the wrong kinds of foods may work against your efforts to lose weight by causing you to gain extra pounds.
9. Eating low fat means you can eat whatever you want:
If you eat unhealthily, your weight loss will be slowed or stopped.
So a low carb, high fat diet works better than a low fat diet (which is also one of the reasons that many people gain weight when they go low fat).
10. Fat is the worst thing for you:
Fat is an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet. Fat can be found in avocados, nuts and seeds, and mayonnaise. It’s also abundant in animal foods like cheese, eggs and meat. In fact, a large proportion of the fat content in plant foods comes from oils like olives and nuts.
Despite these healthy fats, there is no reason for people to avoid fat. Nor is saturated fat more harmful than other fats.
Also read: 11 risks of keto diet plan which you should know about
Bottom Line:
Fat is not the enemy. You should include a variety of fat in your diet to stay healthy, including omega-3 fats that are found in fish and flaxseed.
Many people believe they can eat whatever they want as long as the foods are low fat or fat free. The truth is that when the amount of carbohydrates, protein and calories are appropriate to maintain a healthy weight, dieters don’t need to worry about fat content.
So don’t believe in this myths. Eat whatever you want, but make sure you eat the right kinds of foods every day.