It often happens with us, when we get alerted with the concept that an event is knocking at our door, and we are not in our desired shape! During this time, people especially girls, become vulnerable, and suddenly, stop eating or start fasting or practice inhumane workouts to lose weight faster. It is superfluous to say that these tricks make them unwell instead of reducing weight.
So, stop fad dieting or excessive exercise this time, and set a realistic goal for your upcoming occasion. Sometimes, some smart changes in lifestyle, work more helpfully than such stupid tricks in the fast weight loss program. So, let’s learn some of these techniques in this attempt of losing weight rapidly within a week in this article below-
- Set a goal about how much weight you need to reduce within your 7-day challenge
- Count your calories and cut down from the whole amount smartly. Remember that as soon as you limit your calorie intake, you will lose weight more rapidly
- Try to get admission in a certified weight loss center and talk their experts about your 7-day challenge, to get professional help in this attempt
- Replace all the starchy vegetables with the leafy ones. Broccoli, kale, Swiss chard, eggplant, Brussels sprouts, mustard green, cauliflower, celery, tomatoes, etc. are highly recommendable here
- Eliminate any high protein products and include lean protein in your meal plate
- Hard-boiled eggs, poultry items, low-fat dairy, seafood, legumes, lean beef, etc. are some preferable lean meat you can include in this attempt
- Cut down carbohydrates as much as you can from your main meals and fill them with some substitute
- Include fiber-rich items in your dieting list to keep your appetite at bay for long
- Stop eating out and cut out, try to make your food at home, and your portion of food from each meal
- Increase the time of your exercise and practice more cardio than other workouts
- Weight training could be a great choice to practice during this time and practice it with the higher resistance weight for a more impactful result
- Weigh every day and be sure about your progress, particularly when you have such shorter period of 7 days
- And meditate regularly in the morning to keep your mind focused towards your strict goal.