Healthy foods for kids to eat is a hot topic these days, with parents and kids alike trying to provide the best for their little ones. But what are some of the health foods that you have to avoid?
Keep reading this article, which will give you more insight to foods that your kids really should be eating.
It’s not just parents who want to provide the most nutritious foods for their kids. As a parent, you also need to know what healthy foods are out there for your children.
They should start a healthy eating habit at an early age because it could last a lifetime.
1. Spinach and Kale:
Spinach and kale is extremely nutritional value for your kid and possibly for you as well. Not only are they colorful, they also provide plenty of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, C and K.
If you want to feed your child greens, spinach is your vegetable because it has the mildest flavor compared to other greens. But if you don’t like the taste of spinach, kale may be a good substitute because it also has a mild flavor but has more nutrition value.
Kale is considered to be a superfood because of its high antioxidant content. It’s also an excellent source of calcium and helps protect your bones from osteoporosis or brittle bone disease later on in life.
2. Berries: Raspberries, Blueberries, Strawberries and More:
Blueberries are an excellent source of antioxidants and other nutrients that your kid may need.
For example, blueberries may help prevent cancer because of their rich amount of anthocyanins . Also blueberry is effective in lowering the risk of heart disease because of the presence of anti-oxidants called ellagic acid.
Strawberries are also high in antioxidants that work to reduce the risk factors for heart disease including obesity , high blood pressure and diabetes .
The high level of vitamin C together with other vitamins makes strawberries a viable source of health food for your child.
Raspberries are regarded as one type of berries that have the most antioxidants.
3. Eggs:
Eggs are an excellent source of protein and cholesterol. Eggs are also a good source of choline which is a fat-soluble nutrient that the body needs to make neurotransmitters, especially acetylcholine. Eggs helps to build strong bones for your child and protect the heart.
These eggs are a source of vitamin D that is vital for your child’s growth and development. The egg yolk is rich in lutein which helps to improve eye health by preventing or slowing macular degeneration.
4. Yogurt:
No need to spend hours in the supermarket to look for yogurt. Yoghurt is very easy to find in the supermarket and doctors recommend your child to eat it. Yogurt is a great source of calcium, protein, potassium and B vitamins.
Yogurt not only helps your child’s digestive system but also has a lot of beneficial bacteria in it. It is actually one of the best things your child can eat for its immune system and intestinal health.
It also helps to prevent respiratory diseases through the good bacteria that yogurt contains such as providing protection from infections, increasing the immune system, boosting brain function and even helping to prevent cancer.
5. Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is rich in manganese and B vitamins. Oatmeal is also a great source of fiber and contains vitamin E, iron and magnesium that are all essential for your child’s growth.
It is a great food to help your child’s nervous system with symptoms such as tummy aches, vomiting or fussy eating being common when he/she has not consumed enough oatmeal. Oatmeal helps to cleanse the body of toxins like pesticides and heavy metals which can lead to health issues..
6. Whole-wheat flour:
Whole-wheat flour is a type of flour made from the whole grain wheat that contains all the necessary nutrients that are required by your child.
It provides vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that are needed for growth and development of your child’s nervous system.
This whole-wheat flour is rich in dietary fiber which helps to maintain a regular bowel movement and promotes healthy digestion. Whole-wheat flour is also an excellent source of manganese and magnesium that are both necessary for growth and development.
7. Brown rice:
Brown rice contains many essential vitamins such as vitamin E, B vitamins, iron, zinc, folate as well as magnesium i.e., calcium and phosphorus which are all essential for the growth of bone tissue in children.
It is also high in dietary fiber and all these nutrients, nutrients that are otherwise found in only trace amounts, are very important for proper growth of children
8. Beans:
Beans contain a wealth of nutrients. In fact, they are considered to be a food that is complete proteins in itself. They contain all the required amino acids.
They are cholesterol-free, low in sodium and fat and very high in fiber. Beans also provide iron, folate, zinc, vitamin K and manganese as well as many other nutrients. They also have phytochemicals that help protect against cancer.
It helps your children’s skin stay healthy and smooth.
9. Green Smoothie:
Green smoothie is made from cucumber, kale, spinach and mint. Although this may sound like a weird combination, it is delicious and provides your child with plenty of nutrients that play a vital role in your child’s health.
It is rich in dietary fiber which helps to maintain a healthy bowel movement. It also contains electrolytes, iron and calcium which all contribute to the healing process especially when you child has diarrhea or other illnesses.
This type of smoothie is a great source of omega three fatty acids which help to fight inflammation in the body that could come from chronic disease and even tumor cells.
10. Dark chocolate:
Dark chocolate is known to contain antioxidant properties that help your child’s immune cells fight chronic diseases like cancer and even the common cold.
Chocolate is also high in magnesium, potassium and calcium that all contribute to the healing of bone tissue and growth as well as maintaining strong teeth.
11. Fish:
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are fat soluble nutrients that have a multitude of benefits for your child such as vaccines against cancer, cystic fibrosis, arthritis and even heart disease. They also help to prevent allergies in children.
Omega 3 helps maintain brain health which helps to improve memory and mental skills while reducing the risks of degenerative brain diseases like Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease
Also do have a look at the 15 Super Healthy Weight Gain Foods For Toddlers
So these are the healthy foods your child should eat to maintain a healthy diet. In addition to eating these foods, you should give your child the proper nutrition that schools and daycare centers are unable to provide.