There is no denial of the fact that the first trimester of pregnancy can always be quite a new experience for the woman. But there is no denial to the fact that it gives a transformation for a woman from the bottom of her heart too. Surely there is a tiny living being growing inside you but you need to understand that the hormones at the initial stage would give you a lot of changes that might be altogether a different experience. Hormones may trigger your body and that is why you need to expect certain physical and emotional changes that may occur during the first trimester that can lead you to go through some of the issues earlier in the month.
You must understand some of the few symptoms and signs of pregnancy that can be quite annoying. You might have missed out on a period. Well! Of course, that is your first sign but there are so many other changes that may come ahead n the weeks later. Understand that the first trimester which I the first 3 months of pregnancy can be quite tough. Your body goes through a lot of changes and soon after your body starts changing feeling and shape, you may notice some kind of sensations that are pretty common for you. As you go through the process of pregnancy, you may get excited and nervous both. But this, not the time to get worried but stay happy and glowing. Here are some of the signs that you need to know.

The first trimester is called as the first day for the last time that starts through the 12th week of pregnancy. You may not even know what things you might see in the future but yes you probably must be feeling it. With your body undergoing so many changes at this moment, it can be quite hard to figure out what things are normal and what is not. Listed are some of the signs and symptoms that you may notice when there is a process of a growing human occurring inside you.
This article is going to cover the following objects:
· You Tend To Often Go For Pee
· Food Cravings Are At High Level
· You Feel Bloated All The Time
· Your Breasts Start Getting Pained
· You May Feel Tired
· You Get Frequent Constipation
· You Feel Nausea
· A Thick Vaginal Discharge
· Sometimes No Symptoms Are Symptom
Also Read:- Weeks 1-4: Pregnancy Symptoms And Your Baby’s Development
You Tend To Often Go For Pee:
Frequent urine is another common early sign of pregnancy that is also quite common. This is the early regency even if is without your baby weight can be quite a common one. Your baby could be small but the growing uterus is putting a lot of pressure down at the area for which you have to be extremely careful.

Food Cravings Are At High Level:
Yes, you may feel hungry but that is not because you are hungry but because you need to feed up to your little kid as well. It is important to understand that along with the little being it is also your hormones that play an important role in the food craving and you might want to be sure that you are eating healthy.

You Feel Bloated All The Time:
Even if your baby bump is not visible but you may experience too much of bloating. That is called the bump which occurs when the progesterone is at a high level and the pregnancy hormone results in to slow digestion process resulting in bloating.

Your Breasts Start Getting Pained:
The sore breasts are the most common one and that is not it, in early pregnancy, basically because of the hormones changes, the breast becomes painfully. The HCG and Progesterone level is also quite high which you shall notice right after the egg gets fertilized. This eventually increases in blood and even your breast would start getting full. Not only this, but your breasts will also become tender and full but that is not something you need to be alarmed of.

You May Feel Tired:
During the first trimester, it is quite obvious that you will get exhausted quite early. Be it the 8 pm or 3 pm, you are always going to get tired and feel the same all the time. This does not mean that you are wrong. It simply means that since your baby is undergoing a lot of changes and trying to adjust with your body, all the time, there is a process that shall be occurring and that is why in early pregnancy, you may experience fatigue.

You Get Frequent Constipation:
This is another common problem that ladies in their pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, would face. As said earlier the pregnancy hormone called progesterone eventually results in the contraction of the muscle in your intestine which eventually gets slowed down. This is the main reason that constipation occurs. But that is not something you have to be freaked about at all.

You Feel Nausea:
This is the most common symptom and for this, you don’t relay have to be worried a lot at all. This is more like a dubbed morning sickness and can happen any time be it a night, noon and even morning.

A Thick Vaginal Discharge:
There could be an odor to your discharge, the vaginal discharge can quite think and that is milky in color. Well, this is merely another common pregnancy symptom for which you don’t have to be embarrassed at all. It is rather just your body making a lot of estrogen at the early stage of the pregnancy.

Sometimes No Symptoms Are Symptom:
Yes, often there can be no signs and you might be lucky to know that no signs itself is a sign and it is quite healthy and normal to face this. It is okay and this doesn’t mean anything at all. You just have to take care of yourself and the one that is growing inside you while being always connected with your health care provider.

Always remember, the first three pregnancy months are crucial and tough. But as you can see the above given above signs are quite common ones, you don’t have to be worried. But yes! You need to also keep in mind that in case you think that something is not right, just take care of yourself and make sure you stay connected to your doctor always.