One can have minor or major eye problem it depends upon the cause , duration , and geneticness of the problem. for example:
1-if the disease is because of internal problem it will last long.
2- if eye problem is genetic then it will take time for recovery
so it is highly important to know the cause of eye problem.
1- Bulging eyes-
Bulging eyes, or proptosis, occurs when one or both eyes protrude from the eye sockets due to space taking lesions such as swelling of the muscles, fat, and tissue behind the eye. this problem is not genetic and can be cured with special treatment.
2- Cataracts-
Cataracts are a degenerative form of eye disease in which the lens gradually becomes opaque and vision haze over. a black spot on eye which can be clearly marked on eye can be cured by surgery.
3-Crossed eyes (or strabismus)

It occur when a person’s eyes are not able to align on the same point at the same time, and are misaligned or pointed in different directions. it can be genetic or due to different or improper view angle.
4- Eye floater and eye flashes
Floaters are small clouds that move across your field of vision .its effect can be seen mostly when you are looking at a bright, plain background, like a blank wall or a cloudless blue sky. it can confuse you.
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5- Retinal detachment
When the retina detaches, light sensitive membrane in the back of the eye becomes separated from the nerve tissue and blood supply underneath it. this can be a serious issue needs treatment on time.
Uveitis is the inflammation inside the eye mainly affecting one or more parts of the eye that makes up the uvea. If inflammation lasts more than a month it can even damage uvea.
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7- Keratoconus
When the cornea in the front of the eye, which normally is round, becomes thin and cone shaped. it can accelerates your low vision, and it makes lasik surgery difficult.
8- CMV Retinitis-
CMV Retinitis is a serious infection of the retina that often affects people with AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and that may also affect people with other immune disorders. it affects retina which can lower your vision or may lead to different eye problem.
9-Corneal disease
Cornea is the clear, dome-shaped “window” at front of your eye. It helps to focus the light that comes in. Disease, infection, injury, and exposure to toxins can damage it. it needs to be cured as soon as possible.
10- Dry eyes
This happens when your eyes can’t make enough good-quality tears. You might feel like something is in your eye or like it’s burning. it even accelerates your lower vision which ultimately results to major eye problem.