Bioninja is the globally acclaimed website for learning IB biology. It is a properly managed website with numerous resources and positive reviews from its users. The Bioninja app is also available on the Apple app store with an updated curriculum based on the current IB biology syllabus.
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The topic of nutrition has been covered extensively on the Bioninja website. The processes affected by nutrition and its direct relation with organs of the body has variously been discussed in the website. With topics ranging from transpiration, muscle contraction, photophosorylation, kidneys, nutrition, modes of nutrition etc. According to bioninja:
- A nutrient is a chemical substance found in foods that is used in the human body
- There are six classes of nutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and water
- Essential nutrients are those that cannot be synthesised by the body and must be ingested as part of the diet
- Non-essential nutrients can be made by the body or have a replacement nutrient which serves the same dietary purpose
- Carbohydrates are not considered essential nutrients as human diets can obtain energy from other sources without ill effect
- The recommended daily intake for a nutrient (RDI) is the daily dietary level required to meet the requirements of health
- Dietary intake can be recorded and compared against levels of energy expenditure in order to monitor weight change
- Essential nutrients cannot be synthesised by the body, therefore they have to be included in the diet
- Dietary minerals are essential chemical elements
- Vitamins are chemically diverse carbon compounds that cannot be synthesised by the body
- Some fatty acids and some amino acids are essential
- Lack of essential amino acids affects the production of proteins
- Appetite is controlled by hormones produced in the pancreas, stomach, intestines and adipose tissue
- These hormones send messages to the appetite control centre of the brain (within the hypothalamus)
- Hormonal signals will either trigger a feeling of hunger (promote feasting) or satiety (promote fasting)
- Species have either an autotrophic or heterotrophic method of nutrition (a few species have both methods).
- Species can be classified according to their mode of nutrition.
- Autotrophs produce their own organic molecules using either light energy or energy derived from the oxidation of chemicals
- Heterotrophs obtain organic molecules from other organisms via one of three methods:
- Consumers ingest organic molecules from living or recently killed organisms
- Detritivores ingest organic molecules found in the non-living remnants of organisms (e.g. detritus, humus)
- Saprotrophs release digestive enzymes and then absorb the external products of digestion (decomposers)
The topic of nutrition has been covered in detail in Bioninja and you can easily understand it with the colorful diagrams and simple language that is used.
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