- What is Protein Diet
- What is Protein Deficiency
- What are the Problems with Protein Deficiency
- What is the Best Way to Overcome Protein Deficiency
- What are the Signs of Protein Deficiency
- Protein Deficiency in India
- Why Most of the People in India Cannot Afford Protein Diet
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A diet plan focusing on particular nutrition is more efficient to enhance our health and this legacy work on for protein diet as well. According to the nutritionists, the protein diet has unique and exclusive effects on our health. Unfortunately, our country isn’t able to continue this type of diet for long and some people even not capable of applying this diet regularly as well. So, today let’s find out the truth behind this fact that most of the Indian people couldn’t afford protein diet for their regular life in this regard, take a quick look below-

What is Protein Diet?
Before discussing any further we must give an apparent idea on what is this protein diet all about! A protein diet is something where more than 20% of total calorie comes from protein-rich foods. This kind of protein-rich diet is loaded with saturated fats and averts us from consuming carbohydrates through our daily meals. Some preferable food items from protein diet are-chicken, eggs, lean beef, poultry items, pork, salmon, tuna, soy products, low-fat cheese, leafy greens, tomatoes, asparagus, celery, mushrooms, green beans, nuts, seeds, etc.
What is Protein Deficiency?
After recognizing what a protein diet is, we must know what this protein deficiency is to fight it more expertly. Depending on the analysis, when our body couldn’t get enough amount of protein from the regular food to maintain proper body functioning, it’s called protein deficiency. This condition is also known as malnutrition and could only treat with a high-protein diet plan.

According to the recent report on nutrient value, true protein deficiency is quite impossible for a human body, where consumed food couldn’t produce a small amount of protein from anyhow. However, not getting a sufficient amount of protein from our regular foods is also called protein deficiency. The required proportion of protein to take daily for avoiding protein-deficiency depends on the total body weight, age, and physical activity of a person. However, in general, an adult person should consume 70-110 grams of protein daily with their regular diet.
What are the Problems with Protein Deficiency?
Protein deficiency could initiate ample of health issues in our body, while could not treat properly for long. some of the common health problems we can have due to the protein deficiency are as follows-
- Poor muscle growth
- Slow wound healing
- Poor immune power
- Swelling
- Fatty liver
- Skin degeneration
- Infectious attribute
- Stunt growth
- And weak bone quality
What is the Best Way to Overcome Protein Deficiency?
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To increase the overall protein intake with your simple daily foods, you must alter the regular items with some protein-rich items and follow a few simple rules accordingly. Some easiest way to overcome the protein deficiency with your regular foods are-
- Replace heavy meat with lean meats like chicken, turne3ky, poultry eggs, lean beef, etc.
- Add at least 100 grams of lean meat to your main meals like lunch plate, dinner plate, etc.
- Allow dark meat to fill your plate instead of white meat as they are higher in healthy fats, but don’t forget to remove the skin before preparing
- Include lean cuts of beef to your meal, as it is also rich in amino acid. When we consume amino acid-rich foods with protein-rich foods, they help the protein content to break down into our cells more effortlessly
- Add low-fat dairy products to your regular diet, which are low in calories like skim milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.
- Include seafood which is rich in omega-3 fatty acid, as they are rich in protein too. Salomon, trout, anchovies, sardines, etc. are preferable items you could add in this regard
- Go for unsalted nuts, seeds, chicken turkey, pork, canned veggies, beans, etc. which are low in sodium but high in protein content
- Include 1 bowl of beans and 1 egg every day to your normal diet for the easiest way to increase your daily protein intake
- Replace normal snack with roasted nuts, seeds, etc. and make sure they come with the form of the raw or dry roasted condition instead of oil-fry for the best outcome
- Use protein supplements like whey protein powder, protein bars, etc. to your daily shakes, cereals, smoothies, etc. items
- Make a proper note on how much protein you need to increase on a daily basis with your regular food and count your protein intake attentively
- Merge animal protein and plant-based protein smartly, so then you can adjust the intake of protein with the affordable expenditure as well

What are the Signs of Protein Deficiency?
To apply these methods to overcome protein deficiency, you must be sure that you have protein deficiency. To do so, recognizing the signs the protein deficiency is essential and some of the common symptoms of protein deficiency are as follows-
- Continuous skin, hair, and nail problem
- Loss of muscle mass
- More risk of bone fracture
- Edema
- Stunt growth in children
- Increase the severity of infection
- Uncontrollable appetite
- And fatty liver
Protein Deficiency in India:
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The result of protein deficiency India came out on the reports of WHO and IMRB. IMRB or Indian Market Research Bureau lately submitted a report that states 73% of urban rich Indians are found protein deficient. It is also claimed that only 90-93% of those people are unaware of the daily protein requirements which their body needs. Consequently, it is declared by the analysis, protein deficiency is quite common in India and among most Indians.
Why Most of the People in India Cannot Afford Protein Diet?
The reasons behind the commonness of protein deficiency among Indians lie in the unawareness of the people. In a general view, India is considered a poor country and a large percentage of the population couldn’t afford the expenditure of this type of diet adequately. As in, the price of protein-rich foods, like meat, egg, cheese, low-fat dairy products, soy products, etc. are high in price and most of the Indians could not capable of buying such foods daily.
Sometimes, a few reports claim that besides this affordability problem, two more common issues work as the main reasons that Indians cannot afford protein diet. They are- the eating habits of Indians and unawareness or lack of knowledge of foods. Indians could not replace protein-rich snacks, animal protein, and plant protein with their regular foods due to their habit. On the other hand, almost 90% of Indians are unaware of the nutrient value of foods. That’s why they can’t find out what types of food are preferable for a high-protein diet and whatnot. So, besides the problem of affordability, Indians must overcome these two problems as well to manage a perfect protein-rich diet plan on a regular basis.