Parenting is not an easy job to do. It becomes even more challenging especially if you both parents are working. The challenges increase when the kid becomes a teenager and may not be able to build a strong relationship which you were hoping to do once you get sufficient time. Well, you first need to understand that when you decide to have a family, you must get time for one. It is important to have a focus on your kid at such a growing age because they admire and look forward to you for every act that you do. That is the main reason there are some of the important things that you need to either avoid or do in the right manner.
Also Read:-Parenting Tips From Bible
Building A Parents Kid Relationship:
To have healthy parents and kid relation, there need to be efforts to put both ways. Of course, extra efforts and approaches should always be from the parent’s side but it is also important for you to understand when you must give freedom to your child and when you should not. This way, your kid will understand your role in his or her life and accordingly would be able to have strong communication and relation with you while strong trust bonding is built. Moving onto making such a relationship stronger here are some dos and don’ts that you need to follow. This way, you will be able to understand when you must stop and when you should relax.
Do’s Of Parenting:
1. Always Listen: You must listen to even the smallest of things of your kids every time. You need to pay attention to what your kid wants and what all are the things that your kid is going through in his routine activity. Sometimes, you may find it very pointless to communicate with the kid on his small imagination and stories. But you must put effort to understand what your kid is trying to share with you. This way even at the growing age be it good or bad times, your kid will always make you part of it.
2. Communicate: Communicating is extremely important. Or this you can look for different ways to have a strong communication build with your kid. Maybe you can ask him to help you in doing household small chores to do it with you and then establish a communication. Look for some common interest of topics that you both would share and thus have a better understanding of what exactly is running in the mind of your kid
3. Be A Part Of Activities: There are so many sports activities and eve card games and picnic trips that you can do with your kid. This will encourage your kid to be socially active and participate in more fun doing things provided he loved to do. It is okay if your kid is introvert and likes reading books then you can look for similar ways to be with your kids in these activities and have a fun time.
4. Teach Manners: This is important for your kid to understand how to live in society. This means, always communicate with your kid in a way that you would want your child to communicate with others or with their own family. Right from how the food plate needs to be kept in the basin once the food is done and dish needs to be cleaned on own till letting the woman go first when exiting are some of the common manners which a kid at an early age needs to be taught.
5. Freedom: This is one crucial thing on which most of the people don’t always agree. It is important to let your kid have a clear understanding of what should be the boundaries of their freedom. That is why do let them free to have some time with their friends for a while or have their own space in the room when they want to without interfering in them at all.
Don’ts Of Parenting:
1. No Shouting: Some so many parents lose patience and end up shouting at their kids even when they ideally are not supposed to. Kids are like glass and are extremely fragile at their tender age. They should have blossomed like flowers and that is why parents need to communicate in a better way by using words that will make them have a clear understanding rather than shouting at them all the time. This sometimes can make your kid rebellious too and ill not listen to you at all.
2. No Hitting: this is an extremely wrong thing to be done to kids. Rather, there are also laws against this kind of act of parents do. That is why, control your anger, and look for better ways to tell them what mistake they did. You must be extremely patient enough to teach your kid rather than all the time shouting and hitting for the mistakes they do.
3. Don’t Block Them: It is always better to let their imagination level be free. Do not it or scold them if they create drawings on the walls. Rather you can think of creating some walls that have removable boars which would give your kid a better space to show their imagination. This way they will think they are drawing on the walls and your wall also will not get damaged at all.
4. Stop Being Protective: your kid is a human and will be growing always. It is important for you to create a strong bonding with your child agree! But that does not mean you need to stop letting your kid not go out thinking they may suffer from cold or get into an accident. You need to stop being overprotective and don’t hold them because of your fear rather make them your strength.
5. Don’t Underestimate: your kid might be good at history instead of science and Maths. But that does not mean your kid is dumb. It simply means he is interested in historical genres. Maybe instead of underestimating him or her, you can look out for the ways by which your kid will be able to show the talent in his area of genre. This way, he will always stay confident and would ensure that success is achieved without any kind of worries.
Do’s and don’ts of these parenting tips are quite limited. But for your kid’s sake, it is always better to explore every activity and growing part of the kid and know whether you need to put some more effort into your kid’s growth or what you are doing currently is sufficient enough or not. Now that you have given below list of the do’s and don’ts right in front of you, it is time for you to have a better time with your child and make the bonding between the two stronger.
Now that the above tips and tricks are clear to you, it is time for you to start acting. You may get tons of options claiming to offer you better yet the most reliable patenting tips and counseling. But you know your kid more than anyone else. That is why; see to it that you follow the right instincts and this way, you will be able to have better parenting for your kid in the long run.