Fever blisters are also known as cold sores. They appear like small fluid-filled blisters and are red in colour. Cold sores are always seen on the mouth or other parts of the face. It can even spread to your hands, inside the mouth or on the nose. Once it appears, it will last for 10 to 15 days. Reason for fever blisters is a type of virus called herpes simplex. This virus can easily spread from one person to others through personal contact such as kissing or sharing the bathing towel, razor, lipstick etc. Fever blisters do not require any medication. It can heel without any treatment. But there are so many effective home remedies that can reduce the pain, itching and irritation.
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Ice is one of the simplest methods of treating the inflammation and reduces the pain by freezing the affected area. Take an ice cube and wrap it with a towel. Keep this on the blisters for 5 minutes. You will get relief from the inflammations. Using ice is a temporary treatment for blisters since it does not affect the virus.
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Lemon balm
Lemon balm is an effective home remedy for the treatment of cold sores. It has the capacity to kill the herpes simplex virus and resist the spreading of blisters from one area to other.
You can apply cream or lip balm on the affected area at regular intervals of time. Applying essential oil containing lemon also can help to reduce the blisters. But before applying the essential oil, you should dilute it with a carrier oil and do a patch test on your skin.
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Oregano oil
Oregano oil can heal cold sores and reduce the burning sensation and itching. Dilute the oregano oil and dip a cotton ball in it. Place this cotton ball on the cold sores several times a day. This treatment should continue until your blisters disappear completely.
Tea tree oil
Studies show that tea tree oil has antiviral properties that can fasten the healing of blisters. It may also limit the formation of patches on the skin. Apply the diluted tea tree oil on the cold sore with a cotton ball on your skin. Repeat this frequently till the blisters heal completely.
Aloe vera gel
Aloe vera gel helps to reduce the inflammation and moisturise the skin. Take a little bit of aloe vera gel and apply gently on the skin. Regular application of aloe vera gel soothes the skin and relieves the irritation.
Try with above said anyone, and get cured your blisters!