- Why it is essential to follow a precise diet plan in the third trimester
- What are the best foods for the third trimester of pregnancy
- What should you eat more in this period of pregnancy
- What should you avoid during the third trimester
- Do’s and don’ts for the third trimester
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The third trimester is the most delicate part of the entire pregnancy period, while your baby already reached a length of 14 inches and increasing day after day. This time the level of mood swings, irritation, impatience, anger, etc. also escalated themselves weeks after weeks. What can save us a little from such unwanted exasperation of pregnancy is a perfect diet plan.
When you eat healthily, you will stay healthy and healthy living can delight the mood of you or your fetus amazingly this time than any other thing. Most of the women feel anxious and concern about what to include in their diet and what to avoid during this period. So, here we emerge with some useful ideas on what should be a perfect diet for the third trimester of pregnancy to guide you precisely in this regard. Let’s check it out elaborately in our discussion below-
Why it is Essential to Follow a Precise Diet Plan in the Third Trimester?
The third trimester period usually starts from the 28th weeks and continues until the 40th weeks of pregnancy. In these last three months of pregnancy, your baby needs some crucial nutrients from your body which can keep the growth consistency of them incessant until the day of delivery. During this time, the fetus goes through its final stage and they need adequate nutrients for the finishing growth from the regular foods of a mother.
Hence, it becomes more essential to follow a precise diet plan during the last three months to reach the goal of their growth satisfactorily. According to the medical analysis, a baby doesn’t grow after the 37th weeks, but you need to continue the diet plan till the last day of the third trimester for the good health of both mother and the child equally.
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New research has shown that this time a would-be-mother suffers from the utmost stomach issues than the entire session of pregnancy. Indigestion, bloating, gastric issues, lack of appetite, unbearable craving, etc. reach their worst level, and thus eating in order and following a precise diet plan become essential this time for any expectant mother. On the other hand, a baby goes for the final stage of their growth during this time for the following segments-

- Bones
- Hair
- Skin
- Nails
- Digestive system
- Sense and nerves system
- Brain tissues
- Organs
- And head position
So, in the end, we can say this loudly that a precise diet plan is essential for any expectant mother as well as her unborn baby to reach the final stage of growth before delivery.
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What are the Best Foods for the Third Trimester of Pregnancy?
Although most of the nutrients are needed during the third trimester of pregnancy yet, a few of them become more essential for the final growth of your baby sufficiently. So your diet plan should be made upon those crucial nutrients with the precise amount of consumption for the best growing experience of the fetus. The elementary foods for the entire third trimester are-
- Fiber-rich foods like green veggies-broccoli, peas, artichoke; wholegrain products-brown rice, cooked barley, whole-wheat items; legumes-black beans, chickpea, lentils, etc.
- Minerals-rich fruits like apples, pears, raspberry, guava, kiwi, watermelon, oranges, etc.
- Vitamin E rich products like leafy greens, avocado, walnut, almonds, hazelnuts, wheat germ, safflower, soya bean, corn oil, etc.
- Foods with good and essential fats like egg, olive oil, salmon, yogurt, cheese, avocado, edible seeds, all types of nuts, etc.
- Vitamin C rich foods like orange juice, grapefruit, kiwi, sweet bell pepper, whole strawberry, cooked broccoli, tomato, raw spinach juice, etc.
- Foods rich in folic acid like broccoli, cabbage, sprouts, English spinach, lettuce, mushrooms, sweet corn, lettuce, etc. greens; chickpea, lima beans, red kidney beans, haricot beans, etc. legumes; avocado, grapefruit, oranges, etc. fruits
- Protein-rich foods like tofu, beans, eggs, cheese, milk, nuts, seeds, fish, poultry items, meats, and some whole grain products
- Iron-rich foods like beets, raspberry, strawberry, apricot, prunes, brussels sprout, raisin, figs, apricots, kale, etc.
- Magnesium-rich foods like dark leafy veggies, nuts, avocados, whole grains, almonds, cashew, peanut butter, baked potatoes, brown rice, dairy products, mackerel, yogurt, banana, etc.
- And calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese, yogurt, vegetable greens, cream soup, pudding, dried peas, dried beans, etc.
What should You Eat more in This Period of Pregnancy?
Once you reach the last part of your pregnancy, you need to focus on your consuming nutrients more attentively. Apart from the above-mentioned foods, you need to increase the intake of overall calories in a day while you are already in your third trimester. One thing you should take a bit more than regular times for the best growth of your baby and that is calorie-rich foods.
According to the gynecologists, an expectant mother should take 200 calories more than normal times. some most preferable foods during this time are as follows-
- Sandwiches
- Crackers
- Salads or any dish with healthy toppings
- Pasta
- Milked-based drinks
- Chicken preparations
- Salmon dishes
- Yogurt parfait
- Handful of nuts
- Dried fruits as the bowl of the mixed trail, etc.
What should You Avoid during the Third Trimester?
For the sake of good health and the proper growth of the unborn baby, an expectant mother must avoid some harmful foods during this last stage of pregnancy. These must-avoidable foods are-
- Uncooked or half-cooked protein like fish, meat, chicken, turkey, etc. items
- Some harmful fruits like pineapple, papaya, grapes, bitter melon, etc.
- Unpasteurized foods like raw milk, raw eggs, unwashed products, raw sprouts, organ meats, high mercury fish, etc.
- Caffeine products like coffee, tea, dark drinks, cold drinks, chocolate drinks, etc.
- High salted foods like package foods, packaged fries, canned soups, potato chips popcorns, frozen dinner, etc.
- Junk foods like processed meat, burger, cakes, candies, chips, crackers, ice cream, French fries, hot dogs, restaurant-based dishes, etc.
- And Foods with added or artificial sugar content like pastries, confectionary items, pretzels, cream patties, etc. along with carbonated drinks and beverages.
Dos and Don’ts for the Third Trimester:
Besides including those beneficial foods and avoiding those harmful items, you must follow a few smart ‘dos and don’ts’ rules too for achieving the adequate growth of your baby. Some of the mentionable dos and don’ts in this regard are as follows-

- Make sure that your diet plan couldn’t lead you towards an excessive weight gain and keep your weight in control
- Follow the schedule of test and scans of your baby accordingly which is prescribed by your doctor
- Don’t carry any heavy load that could stress your belly, back or waist during this entire period of the trimester
- Always lean on your left side and continue this habit for the entire pregnancy period
- Avoid overeating and all those items which give you trouble for digesting easily
- Prefer to take proper support of railing or hands of your near ones while climbing or going down on the staircase
- Avoid foods which give you heartburn or bloating signs regularly
- Keep your body well-hydrated by drinking at least 2-3 liters water a day
- Keep visiting your doctor and take regular checkup of your body as well as your baby in every few whiles
- Don’t take any stress and try to keep calm by practicing yoga or meditation regularly
- Avoid long journeys, and try to take train travel over other vehicles especially, while you are at your 8th months period
- Make your mind ready for the delivery period once you reach the stage of 9th month
- Follow your diet plan properly and look out for the warning signs in the last few days of our third trimester.