We’ve had over 11 crore vaccines administered so far, with the number going up-to almost half a crore yesterday. However in today’s Covid updates, we shall look at things other than vaccines.
Cases and Government Response
One good news coming out of all this is that the GoI has confirmed that there’s no plan to impose a countrywide lockdown. This has allayed fears of many who thought this to be the fate due to spike in cases. This news was announced by the Finance Minister.

Other updates are: –
- Centre ruled out shortage of Covid-19 vaccine in country. It urged States to review availability of vaccine at various cold chains and re-appropriate them as per demand.
- Country reports Over 1 Lakh 84 thousand new cases of COVID-19.
- More than 1 crore 23 lakh patients have been recovered from Covid-19. This brings the recovery rate to 88.92%.
- More than 26 Crores tests were conducted with 14 Lakh tests in the last 24 hours.
- Govt. cancels Class 10th Board Exams in the wake of rising Covid-19 cases. Firstly, the Board will develop an objective criterion, on the basis of which, the Class X result will be created. Students not happy with the marks allotted, can still sit in the exam when it happens.
- Govt. postpones Exams for class 12th in the wake of rising Covid-19 cases. Government will further review the status of Class XII exams on 1st June 2021. Whatever’s the decision, will be communicated via a notice 15 days prior to exams.
- Statewide curfew in Maharashtra for 15 days from April 14; essential services exempted.
- Uttar Pradesh govt aanounced Night Curfew in districts with over 2.000 cases. The new curfew timings of 8 PM-7 AM, will be implemented in places like Lucknow, Prayagraj, Varanasi, Kanpur City, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Ghaziabad, Meerut and Gorakhpur, among others. Schools will also remain closed till 15th May and exams for Class 10 and 12 postponed till 20th May. New dates for Class X & XII Board Exams to be decided probably in the 1st week of May.
- Delhi govt announced Weekend Curfew from Friday 10 PM to Sunday 6 AM. Although there’s no decision to close any market, Spas, Malls, Gyms and Theatres will remain closed until further notice.
Essential Services will be allowed……we will give passes even to people who are scheduled to get married. There will be special markets with special arrangements……no dine in at restaurants.
Arvind Kejriwal (Delhi CM)
Covid Appropriate Behaviour in Religious Places
With the Kumbh going on in full swing and Navratra, this period marks a number of festivals of different religions. However, with this comes the challenge of celebrating faiths while tackling a pandemic. That’s why the GoI has come out with SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) to contain the spread of Covid at religious places.

- Mandatory for all entrances to have Sanitiser Dispenser and Thermal Screening Provisions.
- Only Asymptomatic people to be allowed into the premises. Persons without face masks/covers prohibited.
- All places need to have posters on Preventive Measures about Covid-19, displayed at prominent places. All places need to regularly play AV Clips on the same.
- If possible, all religious places must carry out Staggering of visitors.
- Visitors must preferably take off their footwear inside their own vehicle. If needed, they should be kept within premises BUT with separate slots for each individual.
- Everyone must strictly follow Social Distancing Norms in the Parking Lots as well as outside & within the Premises. Same goes for any shops, stalls , cafeteria etc in the vicinity.
- Strict Crowd Control to be followed in and outside the premises. Additionally, Specific markings to be made to manage the queue and denote social distancing spots.
- Authorities preferably need to have separate Entry & Exits for visitors.
- People should wash their hands & feet with Soap & Water before entering the Premises. All while maintaining 6ft Social Distancing.
- Seating Arrangement also to be arranged keeping social distancing norms in mind.
- Finally, for AC & Ventilation, CPWD Guidelines to be followed. All AC devices to be in the range of 24-30 Degree Celsius. Additionally, Relative Humidity to be between 40-70%. Furthermore, Cross Ventilation is necessary.
Visit Government of India’s MyGov Portal for more information of Covid