- What is the gm diet plan
- Is gm diet safe
- Is gm diet good for weight loss
- How much weight one can lose with this gm diet
- Does gm diet work without exercise
- Complete meal plan for gm diet from day 1 to 7
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Nowadays, new, new trends of dieting have been discovering every day and this GM diet plan is one of the mention able tricks of dieting in recent times. This dieting process is also known as General Motors Diet and claims to reduce an excessive amount of weight from your body than any normal dieting methods.
The techniques and processes of this GM diet are completely different from other equivalent procedures. Thus, you need to know every single detail about these diet types before going for it. Usually, the GM diet takes 7 days to complete, hence, you need to understand the meal plan of day 1 to 7 elaborately to get the best outcome of your endeavor. Here we come up with some important facts about this diet program in this regard along with the entire meal plans for those 7 long days of GM dieting in this article below-
What is the GM Diet Plan?
GM diet or General Motors diet is a diet program that scheduled for one week and you need to follow different meal plans for each day of that schedule. This diet incorporates foods to consume some detoxifying items and which work negatively in the calorie gain process.
Hence, in short, a GM dieting is something that only helps you in shedding pounds but collapses every possible way of gaining calories and extends for 7 long days with different meal programs.
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Is GM Diet Safe?
GM diet is a wonderful dieting program for them, who want to reduce weight quickly in a short span of time. Hence, we always seem curious about whether it is safe for our health or not? Well, it could be stressful for anyone to burn stored-fats rapidly in the fastest way and could provide some harmful effects from our overall health.
The GM diet is not exceptional from this legacy at all, and we often face some unhealthy consequences by following this type of dieting plan all of a sudden. Most people face a lack of adequate nutrients in their bodies while following the General Motors diet program. Some possible health problems may occur for following GM diet without consulting a health expert are as follows-
- Nutrient deficiency
- Dehydration
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Weakness
- Muscle stiffness
- And lack of energy
Hence, we can conclude this topic with the idea that a GM plan is not a completely safe program and may not be a preferable choice for many people, depending on their health condition.
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Is GM Diet Good for Weight Loss?
Gm diet is great and effective for a fast weight loss goal from every single aspect. It assures a substantial weight reduction than any other normal weight reducing methods. The dieting programs scheduled for this GM diet program, keep us on track for 7 long days with precise meal plans.
These plans inspire us to replace all the unhealthy food substances like unsaturated fats or calories with vegetables and fruits. Thus, despite being a short-term dieting program, it involves an excessive amount of weight reduction than any other fast weight loss program.
How much Weight One can Lose with This GM Diet?
According to the reports, the GM diet plan could shed almost 15 pounds from your body within its limited time span of 7 days. It is almost 6.8 kg that is a huge amount indeed for any short-term weight loss process in the record of dieting.
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Does GM Diet Work without Exercise?
The motto of this GM diet is to reduce weight from your body through a low-calorie meal plan. It aids to stimulate the fat-burning process in our body and provides negative calorie effects. This helps in losing weight endeavor naturally and without any additional efforts like harsh workouts or exercise schedules. All you need for a perfect GM diet program is the different meal plans for 7 days, which are varied based on your body requirements. This program usually works in your weight reduction process by these following ways-
- By limiting your fat and calorie intake
- Inspiring for consuming healthy foods like veggies or fruits
- Lowering your daily sugar intake
- Improving your metabolism rate
- Curing unhealthy bowel syndrome and constipation
- Improving your digestion process
- And detoxifying your body naturally
So it is obvious that no exercise or workout session is needed for the process of GM dieting in the way of fast weight reduction program.
Complete Meal Plan for GM Diet from Day 1 to 7:
So, without wasting any time, let’s learn what to eat and how to follow a gm diet plan from starting day to the end with this precise meal plans we are referring below-
# Day 1:

- Take 1 bowl of fresh berries in breakfast and 1 bowl of cantaloupe after the gap of 1 hour from your breakfast
- For lunchtime, take a bowl of tasty watermelon along with a small amount of mango or kiwi
- An orange or a bowl of ripe papaya can be used as a snack of the day after 1-2 hours of taking the lunch
- Then finish your day with 1-2 glasses of water, along with some melon type fruits
# Day 2:

- On day 2, forget about fruits and go for vegetables only. For breakfast meal, eat baked sweet potato along with a bowl of cooked cabbage
- At lunchtime, take a bowl of salad prepared with carrot, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, and onion. Some steamed veggies like broccoli or brussels sprouts could be allowable with this menu
- Eat some raw peas or carrot dips as the mid-time snack during this type of dieting program
- Take 1 bowl of kale or prepare arugula with asparagus decorated with some freshly make cucumber slices in your dinner meal
# Day 3:

- For day 3, take 1 bowl of apple chunks with 1 bowl of watermelon in your breakfast
- A bowl of mixed salad with some fresh vegetables and fruits would be a great pick for the lunchtime
- 1 bowl of sautéed cherry tomato could be preferable for an evening snack bowl
- Eat 1 bowl of kale salad with carrots and cucumber in your dinner meal with a handful of strawberries to end the day healthily
# Day 4:

- For breakfast meal, drink 1 glass of low-fat milk with 1 large fully ripe banana
- Prepare a smoothie made of 1 cup of skim milk and 1 banana for a midday delighter
- Take 1 bowl of banana soup prepared at home and 1 glass of water in your lunchtime
- Repeat the smoothie of milk and banana at dinner time as well and you can eat 1 extra banana as well if you still feel hungry after that beverage
# Day 5:

- After 4 days of this harsh dieting, you may feel weak and thus meat would be the best pick for day 5. For breakfast, eat 6 oz of cooked meat with 2 tomatoes
- Increase the amount of meat at lunchtime to 8 oz meat and prepare it with 2 large tomatoes as well
- Prepare a bowl of tomato soup as your evening snack and drink 1 cup of water after a certain period
- At dinner, take 5-6 oz of meat prepared at home with 2 whole tomatoes, then complete our day with a glass of water at the end
# Day 6:

- On day 6, merge meat with vegetables for better nourishment. For breakfast, eat 5 oz of cooked meat with 1 bowl of boiled vegetables
- In lunchtime take 8 oz of meat 1 bowl of vegetables again and you can use either boiled or raw vegetables this time, depending on your choice
- In dinner time, eat 5-6 oz of cooked meat with homemade wonder soup with vegetables and tomato extracts
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# Day 7:

- For the final day, start your day with 1 bowl of brown rice along with some sauteed veggies
- After a certain period take 1 bowl of watermelon or an orange as a mid-time snack
- Begin your lunch with 1 glass of raw orange juice and finish it with 1 bow of brown rice with some preferable boiled veggies
- Use high-antioxidant fruits like berries, citrus fruits as your evening snack this time
- Finally, finish your 7th day of dieting with 1 bowl of brown rice again along with some cooked vegetables along with a freshly made wonder soup at the end of your course.