Caesarean Delivery : Purpose, Procedure And Risk

by Bharti
purpose procedure and risks of caesarean delivery

Caesarean delivery or C – section is the surgery for delivering a baby. C – Section is done when there are any difficulties or complications for the vaginal delivery. Generally caesarean is done only after 39 weeks of your pregnancy. But in rare cases doctors may have to do it before this period. Now a days the number of caesarean delivery is more compared to the olden days.


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What Is The Purpose Of Caesarean Delivery?

The purpose of caesarean is completely based on the health condition of mother and baby. In some cases the doctor plan for the caesarean in the early stage itself and in other cases complications that occur during the labor led to do caesarean delivery.

the purpose of caesarean delivery

The Conditions In Which C – Section Is Done Are:

  • Health issues of mother such as high blood pressure, heart diseases or if the mother has active genital herpes etc.
  • Previous delivery case. If the mother had undergone caesarean during the previous delivery then the chance of having C – section is more.
  • Any problems related with placenta
  • Breech birth, that means the baby’s feet comes first
  • Big head for the baby
  • Umbilical cord problems
  • Lack of sufficient amount of oxygen for the baby

the condition in which c-section is done

What Is The Procedure Of Caesarean Delivery?

As we discussed earlier the Caesarean is done depending upon the complications and health conditions. If the C- section is planned previously, your doctor will give you the instructions about the preparation you need to do for a successful delivery. Doctor will suggest for a complete health check up including blood test prior to the procedure. In rare cases blood transfusion may require. So the doctors will make sure that the blood is available in case of emergency. On the surgery day your abdomen will be cleaned and you will be given IV fluids into your arms. Once it is done you will be given anesthesia. It may be spinal block, epidural or general anesthesia that your doctor will decide. They will cover your abdomen and lower parts of your body so that you will not be able to see the procedure. After you numbed properly an incision will be made above the pubic hairline. In most of the case it is done horizontally across the pelvis. But in rare cases it may be done vertically also. Now your uterus will be exposed. The doctor will make an incision to the uterus and take out your baby safely and then he will close your uterus and abdomen with stitches.

what is the procedure of caesarean delivery

The hospital staff will immediately clean your baby and they will clip and cut the umbilical cord, also check the breathing, weight and other primary health conditions of your baby.

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If you have undergone caesarean delivery you may have to spend four to five days in the hospital. So prepare for that and get support from your family and friends.

What Are The Risks Involved In Caesarean Delivery?

Unlike normal vaginal delivery there are some risk factors that affect both mother and child in caesarean delivery. They are:

  •       If the child is born before 39 weeks, breathing problems may occur
  •       Infection for the mother
  •       Blood clots and bleeding
  •       Injury for the baby during delivery
  •       Recovery time is more
  •       Health issues such as back pain in future
  •       Injury to the internal organs of the mother

risks involved in caesarean delivery

After the delivery your doctor will give you the instructions of dos and don’ts. Follow those instructions, take healthy balanced diet and be happy with your baby.

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