Due to high exploration and scrutiny in the society, it is challenging to maintain the body standards stated by society. We are often observed and criticized by people around us while growing up, this can lead to feeling insecurity about our own body and thus ,affect our confidence and personality widely. This is where we need Body Positivity.
A different image of what we should look like stays in our minds always. Being this critical about our own appearance can sometimes prove to be toxic for us itself and our health in a long run.
In the internet generation, social media, photo-shop and filters, body positivity is not the major concern. One wants to look like the posts and videos they see on screen without weighing the effects it can cause.
Capitalism in beauty industry plays a major role in increasing insecurities among people. This happens by promoting the fair and thin stereotypes among women as a criterion of attractiveness to seek profit off someone’s diffidence.
Body positivity movement is a mission to change the way one one sees their body regardless the shape and size. Body positivity movement focuses on people’s needs and wants to accept their body as they are rather than what others want them to be or like us to be. It not only includes how we view ourselves or the society views one on the basis of physical size and shape but also based on their race, gander and sexuality.
This also aims to improve ones relationship with their body by popular media messages including their feelings about food, exercise, appearance, sexual identity and self-care. It also addresses unrealistic body standards in order to build confidence and acceptance of their own body.
Body positivity movements started long back in 1800s during first wave of feminism. The VICTORIAN DRESS REFORM MOVEMENT aiming to end the societal views towards women to modify their bodies by wearing corsets and tight-lacing to maintain a thin waistlines.

Women thus, faced many health risks including deformed rib cage, poor digestion and compression of major abdominal organs. During this movement women also fought for their right to wear pants. This was the first step towards body positivity regardless of the measurements of ones waist.
- The first wave towards body positivity held in 1967 by a New York radio host Steve Post in Central Park called as “fat in” to protest discrimination against the fat. The reason behind this the discrimination faced by his wife as a result of her size. Later, Lew Louderback composed an essay to spread light on fat shaming in America. The creation of National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (1969) by Bill Fabrey was inspired by Louderback. The mission of N.A.A.F.A was to end discrimination based on body weight.
- The second wave of body positivity held in 1900s was to engage people in a place to exercise regardless of size. Several programs like Genia Pauli Haddon and Yoga for Round Bodies were started for those who were uncomfortable joining wellness community.
- The third wave started in 2000s, with the popularity of social media platforms, there has been a major increase in awareness about these unrealistic standards regarding skin, size, race or gender. Instagram has played a major role as a platform for body positive movement since 2012. Instagram has also exponentially promoted this movement on a global level.
Body artists have played an important role spreading awareness and education about body positivity. In the last decade, some magazines and beauty companies have introduced body positive publications and marketing efforts. Companies like Dove have incorporated body positivity messages in their marketing campaigns.
The main goals of body positivity movement include –
- To direct issues of unrealistic body and beauty standards.
- For improving and helping maintaining good mental health.
- To spread awareness about the issue of body-dissatisfaction can lead to depression, body dysmorphic disorder and even doubting their self-worth.
- Changing societal views and promoting acceptance of bodies regardless of size, shape and colour and creed.
- To accept your body as it changes naturally due to pregnancy and ageing.
- Researches have also shown that depiction of thin ideal or specific body type can lead to eating disorders. This poses the danger to the beliefs that beauty, success, confidence and self-worth is determined by thinness. These beliefs can even lead to unnecesary dieting and thus poor health, anaemia and so on.
You might notice that often, women are the centre of body positivity movement rather than any other gender. One should include men, disabled, LGBTQ+ and non- binary in this movement as there are other societal pressures for them as well. Men are often expected to be heighted, broader upper body, or with six-pack abs.
Disabled people are believed to be nothing more than their ailment. LGBTQ+ community still faces unacceptability for their orientation. These also struggle with dysmorpia and eating disorders such as bulimia. Body positivity movement should be about every gender regardless age, color, sexual orientation and prefernce or nationality.
Body positivity movement has proved to encourage unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. This has increased the number of obese and over-weight people in the world. According to facts, Obesity is the number 1 reason behind major diseases like diabetes, hypertension, blood pressure etc.
Feminists also criticize this movement quoting that women are much more than just physical appearance and pseudo-societal standards. It neglects the other important aspects of one’s identity which are more important to boost their self worth and confidence.
Being body positive supports an amazing confidence and positive attitude towards oneself. As I have mentioned above there are psychological effects of negative body image, so here are some to affirmate yourself about your body and be the best amazing self.
Positive highlights on your mirror.
As we start our days with a look in mirrors, One experience most of the body- hate in front of the mirror. Try putting up affirmating notes on your mirrors such as,” YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL” , “I AM CONFIDENT” and ”LOVE YOUR BODY”.
Affirmations for yourself
Most effective ways to boost your confidence and practice self-love is to speak out loud and often. One should give verbal encouragements and reminders to themselves, especially when they have a hard time being the best self they are. It is necessary to remind ourselves that we are enough and amazing as we are and we can do anything we set our minds to.

Our thoughts communicate with our body
It is said that “the food we eat, the air we breathe and the thoughts we think, all communicate with our body and mind’s cells and wrong communication triggers physical and mental diseases”. Thinking healthy and affirmative can nourish your body more than you think. Being healthy, exercising or a healthy diet should not feel like damnation/ punishing, one should be motivated to eat healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Don’t plan your meals according to the number on scale. Rather, think of the nutrition it will provide to your body. Same thing applies for exercising. One must enjoy being healthy and exercising to maintain it. Exercising with zumba can be entertaining as well as nourishing.
Compliment (Mental and Body Positivity)
As we talked, our thoughts affect the way we judge ourselves and sometimes its harsh. This in turn affect our judgement and we become harsh on others too. Try to be kinder to people and yourself. Therefore, compliment others and boost their confidence.
You can make someone day by just an act of kindness. This opens up kindness to ourselves as well. You will not see changes but I can assure you these small acts can help build your confidence and attitude.
Affirmative and positive environment (Body Positivity right??)
Negativity around us can immensely affect the thoughts and antagonize our insecurities.Surround yourself with people who encourage you to be your best self regardless of any other factor. Here, social media plays an important role in our day-to-day life. These sites filled with photo shopped images can often lead to development of negative body image and is further an invitation to disorders and diseases.
Stop comparing
Everybody around us is different ans has their own strengths and flaws. Comparing your flaws with others strengths can develop negative body image. Negative body image issues are often develop by this reason.
Be nice to yourself
Focus on all the positive things you like about yourself. Try listing positive attributes of your personality and whenever something negative thought arise try to counter it with something positive. Practice this daily and keep going. After some time, this will become a habit and promote positivity towards ourselves.
You can also practice self-love by just being nice to yourself, try giving yourself a present to thank yourself. Treat yourself with a bubble bath, SPA day or even a good meal can work. Tell yourself “thanks for sticking and you are enough and wonderful”.
Avoid negative self-talk (because well….body “positivity”)

Usually, we talk trash to others and ourselves when we feel low. Avoid doing so, tell yourself if u won’t say to others then you should treat yourself with some kindness too. Negative self-talks can often convert to negative thinking patters, which is big NO NO for your stunning and marvelous self.
Try out right approach towards everything
As its said, don’t take decisions when you are too happy, too sad or too angry because it affects your decision making capabilities. Likewise, one should have a right approach towards everything in a right frame of mind be it exercising, eating right or viewing your body.
Generally, we have negative thoughts about our body and we think about it alot and it stays in our minds for most of the day. Instead we should think of improving it. Say one is fat, one should try to eat right and exercise, not because society wants us to be thinner but because we own it to our bodies to be healthy (it is working for us 24*7 since birth).
Try out these amazing tips and let us know how it is helping you to be the best self. Stay happy and healthy.