Fertility yoga poses is a brilliant way to improve your chances of getting pregnant, increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy and enhance your relationship with yourself. It combines the best in yoga asanas with breathing practices, meditation, massage and more. The benefits of yoga for fertility poses are designed to relax the whole body and mind for easier conception, supporting ovulation and fetal development.
Benefits of yoga for fertility:
For those who struggle with infertility these practices can give hope and strength to you and your partner. They are safe and can be adapted to the needs of women who have had IVF, or who want to conceive naturally as well.
1. Balances hormones:

Weight gain and loss, stress, posture and hormonal fluctuations all affect your body’s ability to create a pregnancy. If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed it’s easy to make pregnancy hormones surge and slow the process down.
2. Strengthens the body:
Many yoga asanas have a strengthening effect on the pelvic floor muscles, encouraging blood flow to the reproductive organs and aiding conception. Yoga is a natural way to build strength and get the body and mind ready for childbirth.
3. Eases symptoms of PCOS:
If you have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome regular yoga practice can help to regulate ovulation, balance insulin levels and reduce hot flushes & moodiness. Yoga can also help with other symptoms such as infertility, weight gain and anxiety.
Also read: Stress-busting Yoga Poses that you can Practice Anywhere
4. Supports sperm production:
Daily yoga can help to boost fertility and improve sperm count. It can increase total motility and may even help to decrease sperm damage. Yoga into daily life can help you get to know and trust your body’s process for conception.
5. Stops pain:

Yoga regularly reduces pain, improves joint flexibility and calms the nervous system. Regular yoga practice can also help with general pain, menstrual cramps, headaches and low back issues.
6. Relaxes the mind & body:
The mind is a powerful tool for creating a pregnancy but it is not always in sync with the body. Many times anxiety, stress and fear can interfere with conception.
Yoga teaches you to calm your mind so that the body can work at optimum efficiency.
Best types of yoga for fertility:
Situated at the intersection of anatomy, physiology and psychology, yoga is a tool that can be adapted to suit your needs.
Unless you are already experienced in yoga or have been practicing for many years it is best to have a teacher guide you through the poses.
1. Reclining Bound Angle:

This is a very deep backbend and as the name suggests it makes you feel like you are floating on the floor. This pose helps to relax the pelvic floor muscles, promotes weightlessness, opens your heart centre & unblocks reproductive organs. These pose helps women to conceive.
2. Shoulderstand:

Shoulderstand is ideal for pregnant women as it relieves pain in the lower back & strengthens your abdominal muscles, making you feel more confident.
It also helps to increase oxygen levels in the blood, stimulate fertility and relieve stress. These yoga pose helps you with fertility.
3. Goddess Pose:

The Goddess Pose is a gentle backbend that tones the abdomen and helps to increase fertility. It opens up the hips while strengthening the lower back, arms and legs.
These poses helps you to conceive baby naturally. Goddess Pose release the tension in your lower back and uterine muscles.
4. Bridge Pose:

Bridge Pose is an inverted variation of the Goddess Pose that also massages the ovaries to improve your fertility. It helps to relieve PMS, menstrual cramping and back pain, boosting fertility and adrenal function.
5. Warrior II:

This pose is an inverted variation of the warrior pose. It strengthens the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
It helps with low back pain, uterine prolapse, menstrual cramps and pregnancy support. These pose release your negative energy and boost your fertility.
The Takeaway:
There is no doubt that yoga is a powerful tool for creating a pregnancy. Fertility yoga is a brilliant way to improve your chances of getting pregnant, increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy and enhance your relationship with yourself.
It balances the mind and body, strengthens the body and encourages relaxation. A good teacher can guide you through these stretches, help you learn how to breathe and assist you in making the poses more comfortable for you.
Also read: How to Deal with The Inner Fear with Yogahttps://healthnews24seven.com/en/inner-fear-with-yoga/