The first crucial 6 months, surely your baby has shown great improvement. It is now time for you to see some amazing surprises from the baby in the next 6 month which are quite great too. Basically, this is the time when your baby will be able to cuddle often and even do some of the skills which you can say are quite expected but still surprising to see that your baby finally has learned to do on his own. This is the time when a motor, social and cognitive milestone is achieved. Your job is to keep a record of each of it and in case, you find any kind of issue then see to it that you speak to the doctor on the same. This is the time when your little one will be learning a new skill to achieve developmental millstone. Understand how it basically works.
This article is going to cover following objects:
· 7 Month Old Baby Milestones
· 8 Month Old Baby Milestones
· 9 Month Old Baby Milestones
· 10 Month Old Baby Milestones
· 11 Month Old Baby Milestones
· 12 Month Old Baby Milestones
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7 Month Old Baby Milestones
This is the time when your baby will start experimenting with a lot of things. There will be object manipulations around him. This can be quite an annoying habit since your baby will start dropping objects on the floor. You must encourage the baby’s curiosity. It is the time when you will see your little kiddo will be enjoying a lot to drop things on the floor. There will be small games like peek-a-boo which your baby would enjoy the most. It is also a great game for the baby to find the partially hidden objects. Your kid may also start responding to No word easily.
8 Month Old Baby Milestones
This is the time when your baby would have mobility development. If you are baby-proofing everything to help your little one explore safely then mind you, you may miss out something and your kiddo will reach that curiosity level. The focus of the parents should be on the development domain of the child such as motor skill may be walking or crawling too. It is important for the parents to consider all the domains of the development of the kid. This is the milestone when your baby will start crawling, it shall be learning on how to hold onto something. It is a time when your baby will also start developing the fact that index and thumb finger can be used for some reason and would start using it to hold toys.
9 Month Old Baby Milestones
This is another interesting milestone for your baby that you surely would enjoy seeing. It is the time when your baby will notice different tones and sounds. This probably will be the biggest milestone as your baby will also start talking. If you are a working mom then you may miss out on his first saying which could either be dada or mama. But not all kids will be able to talk at the same time. They need to make continuous progress. Be it from cooing till the consonant sounds, your baby will be will start learning new two word phrases and even small sentences. Talking about the milestone of the baby, your kid will be able to differentiate between the strangers and even the family people. It will be for your baby to have or of sounds like mamma or baba baba. The use of fingers for your baby at this point becomes a lot more convenient. He would be able to copy the gestures and sounds of others too.
10 Month Old Baby Milestones
This is the milestone of your baby where you shall be noticed different varieties of abilities that your kid will be reaching it. Be it the crawling or even having a solid sound, your baby will be all ready to even take the first step of walking. This is the time that will give you a clear idea that your baby is on the right track too. This is the time when your baby will take support or something and would try to stand. It will be exploring different ways such as banging, shaking and even throwing. The little one will start cruising too. It will be able to sit comfortably without anybody’s help and the feeding finger food on its own is possible for the baby at this time. Your baby will have more of the psychical development at this stage which is quite evident.
11 Month Old Baby Milestones
This is the time when your baby is expected to have certain social, physical and verbal goals set already. It is the time when the brain of the baby would allow him to stay stronger. It is an important phase for you to notice the development of the baby as you will be seeing without your own eyes on how fast it has been evident. The baby will start understanding the object permanence, the baby will also be able to make the sounds with changes in the tone. There will be separation anxiety that your baby will start having and for which you have to let him get used to certain things.
12 Month Old Baby Milestones
This is the time when you can say your baby has now graduated to the status of being a toddler. It is no longer an infant or a newborn and this year, he shall be doing a lot of greater surprising things for you. This is the month when your baby will be able to say mama and dada more frequently. There will be basic gestures like bye-bye, no and hi which your baby will be able to do. There will be some response to the spoken requests and directions that your baby will have. Your baby will also be able to stand alone and have some of his moves set.
You must keep in mind certain guidelines and notice the development of the baby at a different rate. Simply because they did not reach milestones as per the timeline doesn’t mean you have to get worried off. It is always better to speak with a pediatrician who can guide you well on this. After all, the milestones are expected from the babies to be achieved more or less in the same month itself. So you need to have patience, just the way your little one is holding up.