Eye problems nowadays are increasing at a rapid pace where one needs to cure it on time, as one eye disease is always linked to others and can be the cause and effect of others. Many eye problems require medical treatment like surgery or specialist treatment, But there are eye problems that you can treat safely at home, as long as they are relatively simple.
Here are a few problems that can respond to home treatment, with some tips on home remedies.
If pinkeyes are caused by a virus it”ll cure it by itself, antibiotics won’t work here. You can minimize the discomfort of conjunctivitis by applying cool compresses to the eye. If the conjunctivitis is caused by bacteria, make sure that you follow your treatment plan, which usually involves antibiotic eyedrops. In both cases, one should maintain his/her hygiene in order to avoid the spreading of the virus or bacteria.
2- Eye allergies
Eye allergies leave your eye red, itchy and teary. Limiting your exposure to the source of your allergies like pollen, pets or mold can help relieve symptoms. For example, if pollen bothers you, don’t use a window fan, which can draw pollen into your house. Wear sunglasses when you go outside. If dust is the problem, use allergen-reducing covers for your bed. You can also use artificial tears, which temporarily wash allergens from your eyes.
3- Stye
A stye looks nasty, it’s usually harmless and goes away within a week. it is caused by bacteria. You can treat it at home by a washcloth under warm water, wringing it out and placing it over your closed eye. When the washcloth cools, repeat the process several times. Don’t wear eye makeup or your contact lenses till you get rid of, don’t pop or squeeze the style, as it can spread the infection in the surrounding area.
4- Black eye
Blurred vision, blood in the eye, difficulty in movement of the eye, these symptoms can be treated at home if your eye has a black problem. To reduce a welling and ease pain apply an ice pack to the eye for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, once every hour.
Read More: Eye Problem Solutions : Get Rid Of Your Eye Problem – Home Remedy
5- Eyestrain
Caused by heavy pressure on eyes through continuous work, constant focus , not taking care. eyes can get relief by closing and keeping ice pack on them.
However, some diseases related to eye needs specialist care for example.
1- Cataract disease
2-Retinal detachment
3- Glaucoma
4- Keratoconus
5- uveitis
6- Cross eye nystagmus
7- Night blindness
8- color blindness